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A LTHOUGH the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition is financially in low water, members of the national organizing committee...
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El ROM time to time the attention of this journal has been called to certain unsatisfactory conditions existing between...
Bread on the Waters ' A LMOST every day," says a reader, I see articles 4-1 in both the technical and lay Press emphasizing...
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That television is being used in the Bashkirian oilfields to inspect the interiors of Wells and show the State of the bores....
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A N all-out effort is to be made by British Railways to keep traffic which is diverted to their services because of the fuel...
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NAANY coach operators would be put LVI out of business by the rough-andready system of fuel rationing, Mr. F. J. Speight,...
of meat vans in London, which was threatened to start at midnight on Tuesday, was called off when agreement was reached between...
QERIOUS consideration is being given s-)by the Government of India to using road transport for long-distance traffic that the...
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A N offer to surrender vehicles purchased en bloc from British Road Services, but useless to the purchasers because they were...
MR. R. C. McWiwast has been appointed Fifeshire transport officer. MR. J. D. PEARSON and MR. W. T. Gni. have been appointed...
Ltd., acquired, in November last year, a controlling interest in HillMotorways Ltd., the parent company of an important group...
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A NUMBER of provincial bus companies has already announced plans to apply for further fare increases following the decision of...
THE Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., are to take over on December 31, Green's Motors, Ltd., and Green's Transport...
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IF ever there was a case where the I " existing-operator" principle should obtain, this was the one, Mr. John Green, traffic...
111 • • • New B.R.S. Depot: Work has begun on building a new British Road Services Depot at Carnpbeltown at an estimated cost...
A MIDDLESBROUGH remover, Mr. ti W. Maude, this week undertook a removal to Namur, Belgium, for a local customer who obtained a...
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T "points of principle were emphasized by Yorkshire Pool Services and Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., when the Yorkshire Traffic...
B Y being able to offer quick delivery from the stock of their Danish associates, Dansk Automobil Byggeri, Leyland Motors,...
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I N a reserved decision, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority has added two vehicles to the A licence of Tufnells, Ltd.,...
H TEARING of an application by Sunter Bros., Ltd., Northallerton, to add a 32-wheeled trailer to their . A licence was...
in 'B.P.C. " THE transport industry did not seem to have played a great part in the circuit scheme of the British...
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A N inquiry to settle the annual con tributions of bus operators to the cost of running Halifax Transport Department's bus...
motor industry's position has been jeopardized by inflation and penal taxation, says Sir William Rootes, chairman of Rootes...
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skotch block is placed against the rearmost reel, and when the upper tiers have been loaded, 2+-in, ropes attached to the front...
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A RADICAL change in-the arrangements for the Lorry. Driver of the Year Competition was made last week by the national...
1-1 A PRELIMINARY study has shown that there is no marked excess of lung cancer among any group of London Transport staff,...
" TT does seem to me that this is an 4 application which should be encouraged, especially at the present time, to see that...
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Fuel Cut Coincides with Increased Consumption Caused by Cold Weather and Extra Care is Needed to Economize By John F. Moon,...
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By Reg Butler IN the fighting in Hungary, one of I the main centres of resistance was on Csepel Island, the principal...
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Application for Joint Express Service to be Worked by Double-deckers Hotly Challenged S TRONG opposition to the application by...
A NEW method of checking speed ing was described by a police witness at Melton Mowbray magistrates' court last week when two...
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W ITH an estimated national total of 5m. tons of sugar beet to be hauled from farm to factory during this year's campaign, beet...
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A DAILY run of over 300 miles, 1 - 1 mainly on dirt and gravel roads, is tough going for a bus by the most exacting standard....
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By The Haw) fl OIN many bus companies can equal the record of United Automobile Services, Ltd., in producing top-ranking...
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Experience with Leyland 0600 Engine Shows that Early Optimistic Estimates of Life have been Greatly Exceeded EVERAL years...
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L . • OR the nine months ended Septem1 ber, commercial-vehicle output was down by one-twentieth as compared with the figures...
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I N the same way as a dog is traditionally allowed one bite, everybody who makes any sort of study of transport in this country...
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By W. H. Seward, Commercial Sales Manager, Harold Radford & Co., Ltd. A LMOST every operator of road transport vehicles must,...
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""CIACH operators are rising magnificently to the challenge presented by the movement, mainly in he United Kingdom, of the...
A IN EW engine and new styling are ( — I features of the Morris 4-ton van Ind pick-up announced this week by Morris Motors,...
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AGNETIC clutches employing al powdered iron are prone to a defect called "sintering," that is, the ferromagnetic particles tend...