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E VEN if some of the strictures on massproduced vehicles passed at the annual conference of the Road Haulage Association were...
Fares in Other Parts TRANSPORT managers in this country can feel encouraged by a light-hearted survey of the world-wide...
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1-figh Court, last Friday, ruled that a haulage business compulsorily acquired by the British Transport Commission was liable...
A FTER six years, coal haulage under short-term licences in the East Midland Area is to end. The East Midland Licensing...
L AST Saturday, representatives of 15 I-4 nations signed an international convention creating a permanent Conference of...
lightweight coach and bus chassis has been produced by James Whitson and Co., Ltd., High Street, Yiewsley, West Drayton, Middx....
Factory N EWS of a £5m. factory which being built for the assembly c Commer and Karrier vehicles, wt given by Sir William...
A N application by Ely Transpor Ltd., for additional A licences we adjourned by the. South Wales Licen ing Authority last week...
TWENTY-THREE makes of con I mercial vehicle will be seen at if Scottish Motor Exhibition to be hel at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow,...
DARLIAMENT rassembled o Tuesday and on Wednesday th House of Commons debated the menu report of the British Transpoi Commission.
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PPEALS by local authorities in South and 'West Wales against the teases in fares granted by the South les Licensing Authority...
fl3JECT to the approval of,the local joint co-ordinating committee, :h consists of representatives of the sport committee and...
RESOLUTION from Blackpool Corporation submitted to a meeting re Association of Municipal Corlions in London, last week, asked...
P RICED at £2,115, a new lightweight luxury coach body has been produced by Charles H. Roe, Ltd., Crossgates, Leeds. Known as...
O N Monday, Gosport Borough Council decided by 23 votes to 12 not to promote a Bill to enable the Gosport and Fareham Omnibus...
A NEW memorandum on the layout and construction of roads is being prepared by the Ministry of Transport. It will incorporate...
of 'standing passengers in buses were enforced, St. Helens Transport Department would need five more double-deck motorbuses and...
THE National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders have rejected proposals on amalgamation from two unnamed organizations...
THE Minister of Transport announced at the annual dinner of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, in London, on...
A N appeal has been lodged by the Special Traffics Division (Pickfords), British Road Services, against the grant by the...
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MR, R. E. SMITH, g eneral mana g er of the Daimler Co., Ltd., has been elected a director. MR. DOUGLAS G. SCOTT has been...
WE re g ret to record the death of vt. P. SMYTH, M.I.R.T.E., MR. CLUTTERBUCK, M.B.E., M.LMECH MR. N. J. H. SWAIN and MR, LIOI...
T HE second term of office of Welsh Transport Users' Con tative Committee .. bayin g expired July 31, the Minister of Transport...
62 full-hei g ht doubletrolleyb uses to British United Trac Ltd., and H. V. Burlin g ham, Ltd. B.U.T. chassis will have Metre...
O N Monday, Birmin g ham Co q lion approved a clause in the municipal draft Bill, empowerin g council to build their own bus be
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RITICISMS a Mr. J. A. Whitmarsh, managing director of Avon tches, Ltd., Netheravon, by Sir told Musto, the former Western...
LORRY driver who was fined £4 and disqualified from driving for months for a speeding offence, nigh he had not been convicted...
slowly and steadily. In the first 36 weeks of this year, 2.1m. tons less was handled than in the comparable period of last year...
A BATCH of 50 David Brown 45 five-speed gearboxes, required for installation in Seddon 8-tonners being exported to Turkey, was...
B US companies in Ceylon have accepted the offer of the' International Labour Organization to provide them with an expert to...
P ICTORIAL evidence of the congested state of Britain's main roads is set out in the British Road Federation's latest...
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T HE Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 148 Piccadilly, London, WA, have published the 1953 edition of "The Motor...
A SUBSIDIARY company of R. H. I -1 Neal and Co„ Ltd., known as Lorry Loaders, Ltd., Plant House, London, W.5, has been formed...
A N application for permission to operate a joint through stage service, instead of two separate services, between Chesterfield...
C ONFLICTING views concerning a proposed amalgamation of the Grimsby and Cleethorpes municipal bus undertakings were expressed...
W ITH the object of reducing operating costs, Walsall Transpott Committee have proposed that a clause be inserted in the...
T HE ideal bus fleet consists of equal number in each age gra according to the industrial consults who are making a survey of...
b should be provided by bus open in holiday resorts, said the Sco Licensing Authority last week. Dunoon Motor Services, Ltd.,...
C OMMENCING next week, Continental Line Transport Service will increase from five ti the weekly sailings to and Preston and...
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IURIST traffic is extending over a wider area of .Scotland, according ir Andrew Murray, presiding at a erence of tour operators...
E manner in which the Eastern )eputy Licensing Authority had ised his discretion in granting a to Mr. S. W. Silverman, Came, to...
C ONCERN regarding the standard of maintenance of goods vehicles was expressed by the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. W....
" W E must not seek to dispose of our responsibilities by making outof-date roads a major scapegoat for road accidents. We...
A PARTY of six Danes visited I -1 London last week to study roads and methods of traffic control. Among them were a busand a...
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B OTH production and exports suffered during August as a result of the closing of factories for the annual holiday. Figures...
T HE compulsory winding-up of G. E. Voss (Cattle Transport), Ltd., was ordered by Mr. Justice Roxburgh in the Chancery Division...
R EGISTRATIONS of new vehicles for July, other than of cars and motorcycles, showed an increase from 12,215 in June to 13,327....
public trans systems have been approved b majority of one vote, cast by mayor, Aid.. E. N. Selby, a fo, chairman of the...
a request of the It Government not , to undertake further nationalization of road t port. In the current budget Rs.20m been...
A RRANGEMENTS are being eluded by M. Henri Berliet, o Lyon Berliet concern, for the rr facture in Sao Paulo, Brazil, of lo...
• biggest attraction for Sunday ings, according to figures release London Transport. During the sut 23,000 people took...
• between the transport managc Accrington and Rawtenstall on question of operating an express s( from Bacup to Accrington. Mac!...
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'HE right of Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., to peal . against the East Midland :ensing Authority's refusal to...
L AST week the Excise duty of Is, 9d. per gallon on indigenous fuels, which include benzoic and shale oil, was reduced to Is....
merit opposed an application of Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., for permission to operate a 30-mile circular tour "to enable...
DROBABLY the first municipal authority to employ oil-engined ambulances as an economy measure is Kent County Council. This body...
A LIVERPOOL man travelled to London last week to appear before the Transport (Appeal) Tribunal. The hearing lasted 15 minutes....
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Denationalization Cabinet Considering Increase in Weights and Dimensions of Vehicles R.H.A. Conference Delegates Discuss...
P ROCEEDLNGS opened with a resolution, which was carried, demanding that nationalized undertakings should be made responsible...
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napped Up Mr. R. Morton Mitchell I.JIRIES made by the Road Haulge Association showed that the first 100-12,000 vehicles offered...
P REFERENCE was given to regular operators by the South Wales Licensing Authority, last week, when he refused an application by...
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A NEW Commer light delivery van and a fight pick-up were announced by Ccmmer Cars, Ltd., Luton, on Monday. The delivery van is...
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MING the next few weeks the fleet tf 18-year-old Leyland Cubs operon London Transport country serwill be replaced by 84 Guy...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. U NTIL possibly shown incorrect by a service demonstration, many passenger-transport...
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D ESIGNED to meet the current needs of the dairy industry, a new Helecs battery-electric, known as the Helpmate, will make its...
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F HE primary consideration responsible for the development of the thin-wall bearing to its present ige is an economic one. It...
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R EASONS of national significance in favour of Lancashire road construction being given priority were advanced at a Preston...
CAFE and fast traffic facilities would NJ aid transport in giving industry what' it required, said Lord Merrivale of...
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By JANUS W BITING from an address in Europe, a correspondent to The Times complains of London's out-of-date road system, and...
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S OME years ago I wrote an article dealing with the problem of the allowances which should be paid to employees who used their...
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A CCOMMODATION for 200 buses, r - k together with facilities for inspeclion, fuelling, maintenance and repairs, is provided in...
Lombard Banking. Ltd., are to move their Bournemouth offices to 1 Hinton Road tomorrow. The first issue of Electricity in...