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Challenge To B.m.m.o. S Right To Appeal Fails
'HE right of Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., to peal . against the East Midland :ensing Authority's refusal to grant !in permission to run additional :ursions......
Tax On Indigenous Fuel Reduced
L AST week the Excise duty of Is, 9d. per gallon on indigenous fuels, which include benzoic and shale oil, was reduced to Is. 3d. Thus the difference between this tax and that......
Corporation Object To Tour Application When Sheffield...
merit opposed an application of Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., for permission to operate a 30-mile circular tour "to enable people to see some of the beautiful country within a......
Kent Adopts Oil-engined Ambulances
DROBABLY the first municipal authority to employ oil-engined ambulances as an economy measure is Kent County Council. This body will shortly take delivery of two Trojan......
Liverpool To London For 15-minute Case
A LIVERPOOL man travelled to London last week to appear before the Transport (Appeal) Tribunal. The hearing lasted 15 minutes. Mr. C. Templeman appealed against the North......