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A NYONE who has made a close study of the first British Transport Commission annual report of the Obviously Perturbed at Growth...
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rr HIS week "The Commercial Motor" is able to give an exclusive report of a 46-seater single-deck luxury coach, the first of...
American Truck-Bus A N interesting six-wheeled Supplements Rail truck-bus, developed by Service the Kenworth Motor Truck •...
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A REPORT that Mr. R. G. Hunter, secretary, and the committee of the Northern Road Transport Owners' Association, of...
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wi-itt.E. the country's economic posiW tion remained as it was, the Licensing Authority would prefer a reduction of services to...
R EACT1ONS of leading commercial ' Xvehicle manufacturers to the devaluation of the pound and its possible effects on exports...
R EPRESENTAT1ONS have been made by the National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders against a Government proposal to...
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of a Sharnford road transport contractor whose concern has recently been nationalized, and who has handed in his resignation,...
Ma. R. H. HAINSWORTH has been appointed a director of Specialloid. Ltd. MR. FREDERICK BOLTON has resigned from the board of...
O NE of the most popular resorts of the members of the motor industry is the Albany Club. 3, Savile Row, London. W.I.'During...
T HE Road Haulage Executive was fined £5, with 11 15s. costs, at Otley, on September. 16, for using a vehicle of exceptional...
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H OLIDAYS reduced the production of commercialvehicles in the fourweek period of July to 3,175 a week, compared. with 4,022 a...
WE much re g ret to learn of the death, VY on September 18, of SIR WILLIAM J. THOMSON, D.L., LL.D., chairman and mana g in g...
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THAT it was wrong for transport I undertakings to regard increases in fares as the only way to avoid deficits was an opinion...
A LTHOUGI1, in general, exports itl.from this country declined in July, commercial-vehicle manufacturers maintained an...
In our issue dated September 9 on page 144, the A.B.C. double-decker was a Regent Mark III. The Scottish Motor Show will be...
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A SPECIALIST concern in the design of airfield crash tenders, the Pyrene Cot , Dd., Great . West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, is...
TRADE friends of the Institute of 1 Road Transport Engineers will be welcomed at the annual dinner and dance to be held at the...
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This Second Article Concerns More General Matters, such as Important Dates, Organization, Charges and C-licence Competition D...
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By JANUS I NSTITUTIONS have a way of outliving the ideals that first brought them into being. The ideal of a united road...
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its Municipc 3us Services By C. S. D U N BAR, M.inst.T. 4 AST week I indicated the extent to which Lincolnshire depends for...
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Relations Between Employer and Employee as Themes of Papers Read at the Annual 1.0.T.A. Conference W ITH the common theme,...
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D RIVERS and conductors left their buses to stare, and bystanders stood with mouths agape, at the Crellin Duplex 46seater...
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By L. J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. N EVER before has so much been done by so few. This near-Churchillian phrase may well be applied...
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IT will probably be of interest to Mr. Ashley Taylor, whose article dealing with the movement from work to home appears in...
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This, the Last of the Series of Painting Articles, Deals with the Limited Uses of the Quick-drying Enamels T HE idea of an...
:A A N order for a large-capacity 'body, based on an economical and manceuvrable chassis, has recently been carried out by...
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MUNICIPAL HAULAGE / N my article published in "The Commercial Motor," for last week, I dealt in detail with the cost of...
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P ATENT No. 624,810 bears the name of H. Ricardo, 21, Suffolk Street, London, S.W.1, and shows this wellknown designer's latest...