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"mass" Escape From Nat Ionalization A Report In The...
of a Sharnford road transport contractor whose concern has recently been nationalized, and who has handed in his resignation, intending to emigrate to South Africa in search of......
Men In The News
Ma. R. H. HAINSWORTH has been appointed a director of Specialloid. Ltd. MR. FREDERICK BOLTON has resigned from the board of Vigzol Oil Refining Co. (London), Ltd 'Ma. W. A.......
Popular Motor Show Rendezvous
O NE of the most popular resorts of the members of the motor industry is the Albany Club. 3, Savile Row, London. W.I.'During Motor Show week, the club will be operating two......
Dr. In One Ledger : Cr. In Another
T HE Road Haulage Executive was fined £5, with 11 15s. costs, at Otley, on September. 16, for using a vehicle of exceptional size without giving notice to the police. For the......