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U NTIL recently many operators regarded offences concerning drivers' how's, rest periods and records as largely technical and...
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N OT every member of the Road Haulage Association supports the Association's proposal for an impartial inquiry into the...
There's Nothing New . . . ("RAVE concern over the diversion to road transport of goods traffic on trunk railway routes was...
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That passengers object to railway rolling stock" that rolls laterally. That this is especially annoying to those who must...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A NUMBER of operators of livestock vehicles in Oxfordshire and the West Midlands believe that...
working week was made on Tuesday by the Transport and General Workers' Union to the provincial companies and municipal bus...
r E question Of tightening control of the movements of abnormal indivisible loads is being studied by the Ministry of...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE driving of the first pile on the 4S-acre site of the Shell-Mex and B.P. oil distribution...
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IN a complicated hearing, involving applications from three operators for I express services to Bournemouth and East Coast...
_T HE accountant's certificate attached to figures produced by a haulage company at a Birmingham inquiry, last week, was...
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MR, JOHN C. HANNA, JNR., general manager of C. R. Averill, Ltd., has become a director.' MR. S. H. LEAKE has been reappointed...
C LA1MS that Lancashire United Transport, Ltd., Had let down Wigan miners by not providing adequate pit services were made at...
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T HE possibility of cheaper li g ht-alloy bodywork construction is presented by the introduction to this country by R ubery...
four extra vehicles on 1 A licence to McKelvie and Co., Ltd., Barrhead, was a wron g decision by the Scottish Licensin g...
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Q EVEN hauliers who contested the grant of a B licence to a building and demolition concern had their appeal dismissed by the...
A HAULIER described at Newcastle .1 - 1 upon Tyne, last week, how he secured a contract for carrying school meals but did the...
something must be done about the parking problem, Mr. J. A. Sparks (Lab., Acton) said in the House of Commons last week. He...
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T HE revenue of Cumberland. Motor Services, Ltd., is falling by about 1,000 a week, the _Northern Traffic Commissioners heard...
B.M.C, Share Issue: The British Motor Corporation propose to issue 38,207,652 ordinary 5s. shares. Versatile •S.A.I.C.:...
A STRONG Road Haulage Association objection was lodged at Hull, fast week, when a public inquiry was held into the...
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A N American White 3,000 truck, the basis of a demountable Cummins display unit, is on view outside Olympia, London, during...
T HE most important use of traffic costings is as a tool of management in large transport undertakings, to which even the link...
T FIE ban on smoking in the lower saloons of double-deckers, which has been imposed on the Northetn GOneral. Omnibus Co., Ltd:,...
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D IFFICULTIES over running a miners' bus service were resolved by the Western Traffic Commissioners at Bristol, last week. They...
P GURES submitted by J. Mummery and Sons, Ltd., Liverpool, when applying to transfer an articulated outfit from a special A to...
A CHANGE of operation from local 2-1 to long-distance work by H. R. Morrison, Ltd., Birkenhead, soon after the renewal of an...
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A PERSONNEL carrier conversion for the Standard PA Atlas van is now being offered by Kenex Coachwork, Ltd., Dover. Three models...
HE time is rapidly approaching when I. artificial restrictions on buses may be removed if the action is reasonably justified....
A N unsuccessful application was made to take over the A licence of a man who was lost on a flight to Iraq more than two years...
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F EWER fare increases have been sought by the Northern General Trans port Co., Ltd., than by most other undertakings, said Mr....
TELEVISION has led to a continued loss of revenue for Great Yarmouth Transport Department, the Eastern Traffic Commissioners...
A N order for 68 Comet tractors has been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by British Road Services. They have also ordered 107...
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D RIVING an immaculate Foden eight-whecled sugar tanker, H. Manning, of Pease Transport, Ltd., was all-out winner of the...
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C OMPETING against nearly 70 well-prepared and welldriven coaches, Straws of Leicester, Ltd., swept the board in the British...
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.?t of Tarslag, Ltd., to Employ Women . ar:ACivil--engineer with a Haulage )perating from the )f England )unean Jewell THE :...
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A MORRIS ambulance with bodywork in glass-fibre reinforced plastics has been. built for Southampton Health Department by Wadham...
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A NEW range of 7-ton chassis has been introduced by Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., Oldham, Lanes, at the highly competitive...
I S a B licence necessary for a vehicle used to collect and deliver articles for dry cleaning? The South Wales Licensing...
T HE revocation of a special A licence covering three vehicles owned by Mr. Percy Finnic, New Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire, was...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk AM torn between professional duty and personal inclination. I feel I should side with Mr. Ernest...
A PPEALS by seven local authorities against the grant of higher fares by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners to East Yorkshire...
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Political Commentary By JANUS W HEN something disagreeable happens to us, we assume that there will be a bad effect. Caught in...
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000 Van Gives Commendable Economy and Satisfactory Performance for Short-distance Delivery: Simplicity and Manoeuvrability Are...
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T WO driverless trucks are being tested by British Railways at Newton Abbott. They are being used to convey goods from wagons...
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Town Plans A VALUABLE feature of the Dunlop road map of South-East England, published by Geographia, Ltd., 167 Fleet Street,...
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A N operator reports that his 44-seat bus costing nearly 0,000 was so badly damaged in an accident that " we decided it must_...
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QIIORTLY to he placed in service with Lambretta Concessionnaires, Ltd., Kingston By-pass, London, S.W.20, is an articulated...
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DATENT No. 809,989 describes a projected ignition system using transistors. (General Motors Corp., Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.)...