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WE proffer no excuse for reverting to the V V subject of the drastic limits of speed which it is proposed in the Road Traffic...
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W E notice that the council of at least one local authority in London regards as totally inadequate the existing measures for...
F ROM time to time we have referred in the pages of The Commercial Motor to various aspects of automatic traffic regulation,...
branch of the London County Council continues to expand—in fact, the task of keeping pace with the development is one of...
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which...
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_ Statements have appeared to the effect that negotiations are proceeding for the sale of the business of the Barton Transport...
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A motorvan is to be purchased by SUNDERLAND Town Council, at an estimated cost of £250. The health committee of COLCHESTER...
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CHENARD WALCKER Will Do S INCE its appearance at the Olympia Show last month we have been anxious to test the...
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,TT ig being increasingly realized that .1 the mobile showroom can be of great assistance to' those companios which have...
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The House of Lords Enters Upon the Committee Stage of the Road Traffic Bill By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent T BE...
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and QUERIES The Coachbuilders' Difficulties. Due to Bus-weight Restrictions. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [29681...
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F ROM experience of the hick of appreciation and, perhaps, understanding, of the work that is done by a radiator, no excuse is...
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E are many reaSons why manual effort, as a means for starting large internal-combustion engines, is undesirable. A source of...
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PASSENGERS' LUGGAGE on the Long-distance Motor Coach T HE luggage problem is ever present with the longdistance-coach...
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as a Mobile Workshop 6 1 MOST interesting type of mobile workshop has .L recently been delivered by the Sentinel Waggon Works,...
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A Method of Reducing Transmission Stresses. Two-stage Speed Reduction and Its Advantages M ODERN industrial conditions demand...
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LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT How the Conveyance of Animals by Road Motor has Progressed, with Particular Reference to Developments in...
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MHE demand in Rumania for cow mercial-motor vehicles has been phenomenal during the past two years. This is exemplified by the...
T EE fourth volume of the annual summary of scientific and economic research work in connection with agriculture, not only at...
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1\TEGOTIATIONS for the biggest ,IN amalgamation scheme in the history Of Irish road transport were, writes our Irish...
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ACONSERVATIVE estimate of the number of taxicabs in use in. the United States would place the figure somewhere between 800,000...
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"I am considering the purchase of a 30cut. vehicle and am puzzled at the wide difference in prices. Of those machines that are...
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(\NE of the essentials of a garage and I..../repair organization catering for the service needs of commercial-vehicle operators...
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rillEIE development of the industrialJ. vehicle industry in France has proceeded on distinctly different lines from those...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics To Stop Window Rattle. R ATTLING windows in motor...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications A PATENT concerning an intereZug vehicle, the first exampt of which has...