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Any Law To Restrict To Uneconomic Limits The Speed Of...
WE proffer no excuse for reverting to the V V subject of the drastic limits of speed which it is proposed in the Road Traffic Bill to impose upon commercial-motor vehicles of......
The Safety Of The Pedestrian.
W E notice that the council of at least one local authority in London regards as totally inadequate the existing measures for safeg - uarding against oncoming traffic passengers......
The Arrangement And Installation Of Automatic Traffic...
F ROM time to time we have referred in the pages of The Commercial Motor to various aspects of automatic traffic regulation, pointing out the need for placing the signals so......
T Iele Work Of The Local Taxation And Road Fund Licences
branch of the London County Council continues to expand—in fact, the task of keeping pace with the development is one of increasing difficulty. During 1929 there were 40,000......