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W HERE interests clash in public service enterprise, co-operation is better than continued .conflict, fOr the public must...
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I N the settlement of policy, where public convenience is concerned—as, for example, in connection with the provision of...
G LANCING over an American daily newspaper, the European edition of which is published in Paris, we observed that Havana, Cuba,...
T HE employment of producer-gas as a fuel for vehicles formerly utilizing petrol is making sure, if rather slow, progress. It...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficaities of transport at whatever paints arising, as a carriage is bylhe...
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'The Question of the Liability of Insurance Companies for Damage Caused by Snow or Ice Discussed by a Barrister-at-Law....
WAKEFIELD Corporation has accepted the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a motor turntable fireescape....
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The New Powerful Pipe Tractor Which is Arranged to Run on Producer-gas. I N our report on the commercial motors exhibited at...
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T N the many spheres of transport in which it is employed the industrial electric machine, in its truck and tractor forms, is...
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Interesting Details Relating to the Activities of a Small Fleet of Lorries Run by a Preston Company. (INE of the subsidiary...
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"A Petrol Engine Stopped is Dead : A Steam Engine May be Exerting Its Maximum Power When Stationary," Says a Writer Who Here...
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Developments in Springing are Continual the Present Time. The Pros and Cons o king Place, but Never More Rapidly than at bus...
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The Use and Manufacture of Farm Tractors. Details of the Extensive Tests to Which Many Makes of Agrimotor are Being Subjected....
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A Form of Tyre Equipment Which is Giving Satisfaction to Many Users of Goods and Passenger Vehicles. Suggestions for Tyre...
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Details of a New Device Which Needs No Water, Embodies a Gas Cooler and Scrubbers and Has No Moving Parts. O NE of the most...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A SIX-WHEELED OBSERVATION COACH. A 25seater Vehicle, on Giant...
The Tramways Company in Mandalay Buys Road Motors in Order to Meet Competition. S PEAKING at the recent annual meeting of the...
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A South Wales 'User Obtains 100,000 Miles from a Set of Pirelli Air-core Tyres on. a Leyland Bus. A MONGST favourable reports...
A GOOD example of what can be done with one vehicle at the start of a bus organization, and of how a small passenger service...
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T TITI motor vehicle has been one of the most important factors in the progress that Iraq has made since the war, and already...
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More About that 100 Tons per 100 Miles, Showing How Economical it is to Use .Big Units. T DIGRESSED in my notes in last week's...
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A Large Furnishing Concern's Interesting and Successful Experiment. S INCE publicity bodies on motor vehicles have become so...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2,656] Sir,-1 was interested in reading letters Nos. 2654 and 2659 in The Commercial Motor...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR ' [2,657] Sir,—We noticed in a recent issue of The Commercial Motor a very interesting article...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2,658] Sir,—As a motorist and one who contributes a considerable stun annually to the Roads...
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Notes on the Sentinel Valve Guides and Glands. Locking Differential Bolts. Attention Needed by Westinghouse Brakes. Peerless...
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Interesting Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. A Better Fastening for Rear Doors. T HAT some improvement in...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. T HE patent of Hugh Pratt, of 3, Moss Bank, Chester, No. 282,173, has...