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An Unusual Publicity Body.
A Large Furnishing Concern's Interesting and Successful Experiment. S INCE publicity bodies on motor vehicles have become so popular with manufacturers and vendors in almost......
Fabric-lined Versus An-metal Brakes.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2,656] Sir,-1 was interested in reading letters Nos. 2654 and 2659 in The Commercial Motor for January 10th, and having experimented on brakes......
Overseas Preference For Pneumatics.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR ' [2,657] Sir,—We noticed in a recent issue of The Commercial Motor a very interesting article regarding preference to be given on taxes for......
British Stone For British Roads.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2,658] Sir,—As a motorist and one who contributes a considerable stun annually to the Roads Fund, I should like to raise a protest against the......