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F OR three days a select committee of the House of Lords debated whether to grant Oxford Corporation power to prohibit loading...
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TN his masterly paper to the Institute of Trans' port, Sir Reginald Wilson said: "It is often remarked that we need a really...
Reward for Skill D ISAGREEMENT between the craft and non-craft unions, which discourages young people from attaining the...
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That the Chancellor of the Exchequer is to have no peace until he reduces the fuel tax. That passenger-transport interests are...
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INVESTIGATIONS are now being conducted by the Road Haulage 1 Association into the conditions under which members in the...
L IVESTOCK haulage in Whitehaven .1-4 has been abandoned by British Road Services and the work has been handed back to private...
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IF the recommendations of the Ministry of Transport's road I safety committee for the setting up of publicly owned...
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MR. Tneo/Las Goas - r has retired from his directorship of the Champion Spark Plug Co., Ltd., whom he joined in 1937 as works...
QTRONG support for a -proposal that the cost of road works be met by a road loan, to spread the burden of costly schemes...
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T HE Transport Act, 1953, is not retrospective in its effects on applications for A and B licences. This is made clear by the...
THE Yorkshire Licensing Authority I has rejected the application of Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co., Ltd., to...
A T the conference of the Transport and General Workers' Union at Southsea, last week, Mr. Arthur Deakin, general secretary,...
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G RANTING an application by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., to run a direct bus service between Newcastle-on-Tyne and...
The Turin Show will be held from April 21-May 2 next year. Rolls-Royce oil engines are in service in 20 countries, according...
F OLLOWING tests with London taxicabs during the past six months, F. Perkins, Ltd., Peterborough, are now producing P.4 oil...
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W HErHER a garage was worth £3.867, as assessed by the applicants' surveyor, or £1,050, as offered by the British Transport...
rIF a total additional revenue of £5.6M which the British Transport Commission expect to derive next yea, from increased fares...
XPORTS of commercial vehicles in May showed an increase both in volume and value over the figures for April. The number of...
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A FINE of £5 was imposed upon the Special Traffics (Pickfords) Division of British Road Services at Kilmarnock, last week, for...
A LL applications to the West Midti land Licensing Authority for licences to legalize private-hire work to Blackpool...
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O N the application of the Road Haulage Executive, the Northern l icensing Authority last week revoked three permits held by...
A T a sitting of the Scottish Licensing 1 - X Authority in Glasgow last week an application by Lowland Motorways, Ltd.,...
f t R. H. WEEDY, the newly appointed al general manager of Jamaican Omnibus Services, Ltd., has just returned to England after...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. T ESTING the Seddon underfloor-engined passenger vehicle was far from being an arduous...
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I N cases where the scale of individual building operations has not been large, attempts to reduce costs by carrying cement in...
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A PLASTIC van body of different construction from the 5-ton insulated body described in The Commercial Motor last week has been...
A BODY similar to that of the Morris-Commercial 30-cwt. forward-control van has now been adopted for a new 1-tonner known as...
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By T. G. Field-Fisher Draft Regulations Provide fir Resettlement Payment, Interim Payment and Longterm Compensation : A Legal...
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Cumberland, a Rural County, and Durham, a Highly Industrial Area, Have Widely Varied Conditions : Cumberland's Arrangements are...
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A FEATURE of a Transport all-steel moving floor, built into a body constructed by Spurting Motor Bodies, Ltd., is the inclusion...
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A Detailed Analysis of the Many Problems which have a Bearing on Braking Efficiency : Used Commercial Vehicles Fail to Reach...
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T HE British-built Bros rotary snow plough, which is being marketed by the British Rotary Snow Plough Co., Ltd., 37 Regent...
A RECENT order received by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton, was for two Bedford tractors fitted with the Scammell automatic...
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Transport in Monopoly By JANUS M EMBERS on both sides of the House of Commons are not in favour of bringing the nationalized...
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Stupid Driving Licence Regulations B ECAUSE of an anomaly in the driving-licence group inging system, I, a transport manager,...
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R ATE-CUTTING is charging less for a job than is needed if a reasonable profit is to be made. It is not confined to road...
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A N interesting method of repairing cracks in cylinder blocks, other than by welding, is the process known as cold stitching,...
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THE internal combustion engine has I the, inherent feature of giving a rising torque with speed, which is far from ideal for...