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NEV1TABLY, hauliers who, by their energy I and foresight, established themselves as their own masters, must find the yoke of...
America Imposes IN the States a serious view Heavy Penalties for I is taken of the transport of Giving Lifts. passengers in a...
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• Of flares up over tares up. That the term "clean steel" does not refer • to nationalization. That there can be no negation...
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hiTODIFICATIONS to the new draft 1Y1 Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness) Regulations, to cover vehicles of the...
Area Schemes and London Fares Proposals Attacked "THERE are no lengths to which the Minister of Transport and the Transport...
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the acquisitions were completed, the B.T.C.'s fleet would comprise only about one-third of the total Aand B-licensed vehicles....
T HE Transport Tribunal has recommended the Minister of _Transport to approve the increased railway charges proposed by the...
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MR. JAMES HODGE, transport manager. Brown and Poison, Ltd., Paisley, has been elected chairman of the Industrial Transport...
D ESP1TE the remarkable achievementsments of 1949, British commercial vehicle manufacturers exceeded all export records in...
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Transfer of Work is Not Abstraction., Says Appeal Tribunal IF a haulier gains a new customer without offering him some...
V EHICLES and services of the Ebor Bus Co., Ltd, Mansfield, are to' be taken over and operated by the Mansfield District...
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U P to February 28, £13,685,175 had been paid in compensation to road haulage concerns acquired by the British Transport...
N EW branches of the Omnibus Passengers' Protection Association have been formed in the past week at Morpeth, West Hartlepool...
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A N improved system of controlling goods vehicles is being introduced by the Ulster Transport Authority with the object of...
NAAKING human relations an effecIvi tive factor in transport was a point discussed at the March meeting of the Institute of...
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B R1TAIN is well represented at the Amsterdam Show, which opened yesterday and closes on April 7. Products of 16 vehicle makers...
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T HE author of the paper " Modern Engine Testing," Mr. S. G. Mundy, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., managing director, Crypton...
nuRING April, the Institute of Road Transpart Engineers will hold the following meetings:—March 30, Western Group: Modern...
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A DVERSITY makes strange bedfellows. A cynic would take the point a little further with the suggestion that men seek the...
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And . How Hants and Sussex Motor Services, Ltd:, of Emsworth Earns Them NTIL the late 'thirties there were only a few houses...
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IN rebuilding an 4tkinson six-wheeled 19-ton tipper. J. H. Sides and floor were built up from corrugated aluminium sections...
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A Process Which Imparts Greater Resistance to Wear of Cylinder Bores and Ring Surfaces I N 1937, the forerunner of the Motor...
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By 1 L. J. COTTON, m.i.R.T.E. A THOUGH there are no ex a ggerated body styles, and only a few new chassis -exhibited at Geneva...
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Says Ashley Taylor A.I.R.T.E. D URING the years between the two wars, the term "white,collar job" was frequently employed to...
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THERE are many uses in the tool' room, machine shop or on the inspection bench for a device capable of holding a work piece...
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T H E arrival of "The Commercial Motor" at our A offices each week is an event to which all the staff took forward. Infact, it...
IN a recent. article, S.T.R. asked for readers' suggestions towards solving the problem of a C licensee as to the best method...
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Still Further I N whatever system of cost recording 1 have recommended, I have always adhered to two principles which I regard...
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T HE use of the tailboard of a lorry as a lift for the load is the subjecr of patent No. 633.588. - The patentee is D. Layton,...