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if War Transport decided that it would be advisable for the Government, as represented by it, to have at its disposal a fleet...
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original and, possibly, present need for the absence of signposts and other guides to drivers, which formerly aided them to...
I wheeled type, in various Transport ' forms, have been used for many years and the general opinion appears to be that,...
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That in salvage work practically everything is grist. Of the beginnings of trolleybus manufacture in Canada. That few edible...
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NJAN Y haulage businesses are being IViconducted on a relatively profitable basis—on paper. But in a section of the Liverpool...
THIS case is brought as a matter 1 of principle," commented Mr. G. F. Nuttall, at Blackburn County Court, last week,...
new' IVIroad-haulage scheme . which has been formulated by the Government, following consultation with the Road, Haulage...
T HE secretary of the Standing Joint Committee asks us to point odt an error which occurred in Mr. C. le M. Gosselin's letter...
THERE was more discussipn on the 1 return of impressed and requisitioned vehicles in the House of Commons last week. Major...
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MEETING NEW WEIGHT AND TRAILER CONCESSIONS up - rii characteristic enter pris e, VI' Thomas Tilling, Ltd., has pat into...
O PERATORS of producer gas ‘-/vehicles will be interested to know how improved running and other advantages can result from the...
Hoye Corporation is to purchase a van for the canteen services. Belton Emergency Committee is to purchase a new tipping wagon....
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DRIVING A CROCK REQUIRES AN EXPERIENCED MAN T HE views expressed by your correspondent, "Instructor," in "The Commercial...
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A MONGST the "Passing Comments" in your issue dated October 10 last you made reference to a particular danger spot on the...
TWO articles have been contributed to your journal A on the trades unions to which many drivers belong and the very good...
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H IGH-SPEED training of infantry 'officers and N.C.O.s to be transport instructors and to take charge of transport in their -...
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rIRST I wish to express my thanks for and appreciation of the article, " A Haulier's Balance Sheet," in your issue dated...
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T HE Power Pilot, an ingenious device actuated by a combination ol electric and vacuum power, is now being installed by the...
Ingenious B. and E. Hydraulic Tilting Platform to Obviate the Need for Welding Vertical joints I N the building and repair of...
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, C RITICISMS of the usual clutch-andbrake method of steering endlesstrack vehicles are contained in patent No. 539,079 from H....