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W HILE introducing the new Humber Super Snipe car a few days ago, Sir William Rootes, K.B.E., made some interesting and...
Simple Economy Tips F ROM " Transportation," the British Goodyear magazine, come some notes from an American driver on how to...
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Hearsâ Of problems in cooling underfloor engines. That the M.C.W. Jason body is fleecing shipping costs. That the Dennis...
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R EPRESENTATIVES of about30 long-distance operators from England and Wales met 150 Scottish hoteliers at Edinburgh. last week,...
A PPEALS by 33 local authorities against the higher fares granted to the Scottish Omnibuses group by the Scottish Licensing...
G WING decision in the appeal of the Hudson's this Co., Lincoln, against the refusal of the East Midland Licensing Authority to...
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T HE Transport Bill has been redrafted and is expected to be placed before the House of Commons about the third week in...
O PER A TORS are becoming interested in the possibility of hiring fleets of vehicles from finance companies, instead of buying...
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MR. C. W. KELSEY has been elected president of the Purchasing Officers' Association. MR. H. W. ADAMS, M.I.M.E., has been...
S OME of the restrictions under, which municipal operators worked should be abolished, declared Mr. H. J. Thom, South Wales...
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A LTHOUGH the. traffic of British IA Road Services has increased 'slightly, the tonnage carried in the 36 weeks ended September...
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F 1FTY-ONE makes of goods and passenger vehicle win be shown at the Brussels Salon from January 17-28. According to the...
O VER 70 stage-carriage services are affected by a new application for higher fares, filed by Aldershot and District Traction...
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A JOINT application by Ribble Motor ⢠Services, Ltd., W. C. Standerwick, Ltd., and Scout Motor Services, Ltd., for increased...
'THREE Dunoon bus operators con." tended before Lord Strachan, in the Court of Session, last week, that an order made by local...
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I NFORMATION from the public was necessary if the police were success fully to combat the theft goOds in transit, said insp....
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Traffic Moving Over 5,000 Coaches, as well as Thousands of Cars, Motorcycles and Cycles, Sometimes Visit Blackpool in a Day...
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Middle Course on the Bill By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher R.H.A. Conference Delegates Call for Date of Lifting of . 25-mile Limit to...
CEVERAL highly controversial pro posals were lost by overwhelming majorities, although the discussion of them was restrained....
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side and so is the Government," said the Minister of Transport, Mr. A. 1'. Lennox-Boyd, at the conference dinner. He qualified...
EVERAL features new to this p.) country are incorporated in the new Botley Road, Oxford, terminal of Home Counties Petroleum...
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F EARS that buyers of operable units might encroach upon the sphere . of furniture removers mainly occupied the minds of...
The D'Arcy Exploration Co. has begun drilling for oil near Arreton, Isle of Wight. -The Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., has started to...
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Further Development of a Simple Principle Which Has Unlimited Applications for Expanding Bodies S IMPLICITY of design and a...
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desirable on a tipper than on any other type of vehicle, considers Mr. Reeves, of Reeves Transport, Ltd., Clements Road,...
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1 rence J. Cotton. m.I.R.T.E. I Ti not unusual to be ejected from the driving seat when testing chassis over the Tank proving...
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PA A CENTRAL driving position, a built-in battery charger and chain drive to a rear wheel are outstanding details of a new...
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says Ralph Cropper M.Sc. (Econ.), B.A., A.M.Inst.T. T 1-11S year's Wiry Show, which closes to-night at Olympia, London, will...
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F IVE years or more ago the Socialists were asserting that the days for public and private inquiries into transport were past...
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JDO not think that your leader of October 10, "Road "` Transport's Weakness," should be allowed to escape without a protest on...
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A Number of Variable Factors Has to be Considered When Assessing Charges for this Class of Traffic, and Schedules Have to be...
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IN designing a hypoid gear, American practice favoured 1. proportioning the crown-wheel diameter to the square root of the...
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OODS which have to be loaded on to a vehicle by a crane necessitate the provision of an open-top vehicle, and if weather...