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T HE whole industry of road transport, possibly, with the exception of the passenger-transport side, which is practically...
A N interesting suggestion is put forward in our correspondence columns by a man well known in road-transport circles. It is to...
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Of cigar lighters in drivers' cabs. That after last Sunday's cruise some Conference delegates will stick to the roads....
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The value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported during August last was £260,865, which is appreciably...
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An unexpected turn developed in a case at Dundee, last Friday, before Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority....
Messrs. G. W. Hodgkinson and Sons of Buxton, have disposed of the haulage side of their business and 33 vehicles to Beresford,...
MR. W. R. GORDON has resigned his directorship of the Coal Utilisation Council. MR. JOHN STEWART, for 53 years a member of the...
Wa N the Northern Scotland ensing Authority sat at Aberdeen, last week, he had the curious experience of hearing the manager of...
once it is granted, is the equivalent of a vehicle on an A licence." In arguing this proposition before Sir William Hart,...
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Wordie and Co., Ltd., Glasgow, received a set-back when it applied, last week, to the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority for...
The Societe Nationale d'Encouragement pour l'Utilisation du Gaz des Forks is the name of a new body formed in France, with...
At Nottingham, last Friday, a railway advocate accused Trent Carriers, Ltd., of endeavouring to enter the road-haulage...
The Metropolitan-Cammell-Weymann organization has received an order from the Athens Electric Transport Co. for 60 single-deck...
A witness was warned of the serious consequences of giving false evidence when the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority heard...
Sitting at Perth, last week, Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, issued a warning to farmers and potato...
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A remarkably spontaneous illustration of goodwill occurred at a sitting held at Doncaster by Mr. Russell Gurney, Yorkshire...
At the Motor Cycle Show, which opened on Wednesday at Earls Court, there are models of interest to certain classes of operator...
A good word for the defendants was put in by Mr. Ouseley Smith, prosecuting solicitor, in a case at Wrexham, this week, in...
which may affect hauliers all over the country, was heard, last week, before Mr. A, F. Nicholson, Western Licensing Authority,...
Warrington Transport Committee is buying three Leyland boom. Camberwell Borongh Council favours the lairchase of a Lewin motor...
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The fact that the portable weighing machines used for weighing the lorries in question were of the same type as those which...
As from Monday last, the prices of certain vehicles in the ranges produced by Cornmer Cars, Ltd., and Karrier Motors, Ltd.,...
I do submit that it was never the intention of the Road an'd Rail Traffic Act for every opportunity to be taken by the railway...
Mr. Charles Latham, J.1 3 ., chairman of Singer Motors. Ltd., officially opened the new premises of the Norwich Motor Co., the...
H ARSE penalties imposed on drivers who have committed petty offences frequently result in a state of affairs little better...
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Municipal Hauliers? Metropolitan Licensing Authority Lays Down important Principles in Dismissing Application. Obligation by...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier N °THING contributes so effectively to realization as personal experience. Often I have...
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Providing for the Accommodation of Goods in Roof Enclosures on Vans and for Effective Ventilation of the Cab and Loading Space...
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in a big h age business How Messrs. W. B. Bell and Sons, of Berse, Have Built up a Fleet of Over 50 Units, Carrying Many...
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C ONSENT. to the " transfer " of an A licence was refused by Mr. J. H. Stirk, East Midland Licensing Authority, at Leicester,...
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T.S.M. Lorries and Lister Trailer Generating Sets Form Basis of London's Mobile Searchlights IN time of war, the most...
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R.A.S.E. Plan Inaugurated with a Series of Important Tests of a Number of Makes of Farm Tractor D URING last week, the tractor:...
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Police Empowered to Tell Vehicle Owners What Law Dares Not 'THERE is a growing feeling among I both private and...
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T HE National Transport Conference, although only in its fourth year, has become of the greatest interest to all sections of...
WIGOROUS criticism of the existing V law, its administration and the appointment of the Licensing Authorities and the Appeal...
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Some Aspects of Road Safety from the Official Point of View," Major Cedric V. Godfrey, 0.B.E., is Chief Constable of Salford,...
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rrHE only paper strictly applicable to 1 passenger transport was read by Mr. Raymond W. Birch, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E.,...
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P ARTICULARLY interesting was the subject chosen by Capt. J. B. Walton, chief mechanical transport engineer of Unilever, Ltd.,...
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LEGAL TROUBLES OUTLINED. n PENING the discussion on Mr. Sandelson's paper, Mr. H. Backhouse, Junr., referred to impending...
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Are Doing UNANIMITY AT BAILLIE REPORT MEETING. A.R.O. haulage sectional board devoted the major part of its meeting, on...
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and UERIES ABSURD SPEED ANOMALY. [5147] Can anything be done to have altered the ridiculous law, passed in 1934, which...
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T O avoid clumsiness of appearance in vans of Very large capacity is by no means easy, but, by taking precautions to reduce, as...
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were employed by the J\V 1t Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., on the biggest single contract job in its history, when the company...
out of the restriction imposed in the Western and South-Eastern Areas upon the operation of fantail tours, was indicated at a...
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C OACH and bus traffic is steadily increasing in Germany. The number of buses on local services in May this year was L943,...
A FURTHER step in Newcastle-onTyne City Council's scheme for introducing trolleybuses on tram routes, when tram-track renewals...
E DINBURGH Transport Committee, 1- - -alast Friday, approved concessions in the municipal bus fares. These include the...
ri E question of trolleybuses versus oil-engined buses seems likely to figure as an issue at the November municipal elections...
CURTHER negotiations were con'. ducted, last Friday, by the wages committee of the Joint Industrial Council into the...
EPRESENTENIG Mr. Frank A. IX Stark, of Tetney, who applied before the East Midland Traffic Commissioners for licences to...
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A TWIN-WilEEL assembly arranged to adapt itself to varying angles of road surface, and thus equalize the load on the tyres,...