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Germany's Road Traffic Rising
C OACH and bus traffic is steadily increasing in Germany. The number of buses on local services in May this year was L943, against 1,883 at the end of 1936. Of this number,......
30 More Trolleybuses At Newcastle.
A FURTHER step in Newcastle-onTyne City Council's scheme for introducing trolleybuses on tram routes, when tram-track renewals become necessary, was taken last Sunday, when the......
11 Miles For 3d.—in Scotland!
E DINBURGH Transport Committee, 1- - -alast Friday, approved concessions in the municipal bus fares. These include the abolition of the 4d. fare, the creation of a maximum......
Trolleybus Versus Oiler.
ri E question of trolleybuses versus oil-engined buses seems likely to figure as an issue at the November municipal elections in Leicester. The tram system is generally admitted......
Municipal Wages Talks Continue
CURTHER negotiations were con'. ducted, last Friday, by the wages committee of the Joint Industrial Council into the application by the Transport and General Workers Union for......
Commissioners The Only Safeguard
EPRESENTENIG Mr. Frank A. IX Stark, of Tetney, who applied before the East Midland Traffic Commissioners for licences to operate two vehicles from Cleethorpes, Mr. T. J. Lewis......