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E CONOMIC or political conditions in recent years have made it difficult for road transport operators to enter fully into the...
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Watts I HAVE always regarded with some awe the champions of chess who en play eight or a dozen games simultaneously. I have an...
A LTHOUGH he is retiring next Thursday after more than 21 years as Eastern Area secretary of the Road Haulage Association, Mr....
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Cabinet Works, Ltd.), pleaded guilty to record and hours offences concerning the Leeds vehicles during May and July. The...
T RAVEL agents should not he granted 1 road service licences. They were in a privileged position between operators and the...
L INKING had become a "fashionable pastime," and that was the only reason why Southport operators wanted to operate jointly,...
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TOTAL turnover for the group last year was a record, Mr. H. W. Sydenttam, chairman of Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., told...
DECAUSE Messrs. D. W. Free and Son, - 1 - 0 Salisbury Road, Marlborough, were acquiring part of the business of Mr. F. Naughton...
B ECAUSE be considered it "a most . 1 -- 1 unusual case," Mr. A. Robertson, Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority. lars. week...
MR. KENNETH BAIRD has been appointed personnel manager of F. Perkins, Ltd. MR. H. P. MUTT and MR. I. B. PEAT have been...
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nURING the Christrnas recess, Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister of Transport, is making a lightning tour of Germany and the United...
M ORE goodwill throughout the transport industry would enhance the efficiency of hauliers' services, and provide extended scope...
T HE reduction of operational mileage by 400,000 saved Edinburgh Transport Department £50,965 in the year ended October 31. The...
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objected against the establishment of a bus station at Spennymoor (The Commercial Motor, November 13), the Northern Traffic...
P ROPOSED lines for the remaining two sections of the BirminghamLancaster motorway were published last week. These sections...
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n ECLINING traffic had brought about a fleet reduction of 24 vehicles, the elimination of 400.000 timetabled miles and a total...
T HE Institute of Public Cleansing will hold their annual conference. at Portsmouth from June 14-17. Among subjects to be dealt...
TWOPENNY bus fares may disappear in Bristol if a new wage claim, at present being negotiated, is granted. A spokesman of the...
E XPORTS of 13,158 commercial LA vehicles in October represented the highest monthly total since May, when 13,785 were shipped,...
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R ACEHORSE owners from Mahon I% criticized British Railways' horsebox facilities when they supported an application by Mr. F....
"T AM considering the desirability o f introducin g. a . .system, sirriilar to one form of the ticket syst e m .in. use in...
WHEN the railways' financial diffivv culties were discussed in the House of Lords last week. Lord Lucas of Chilworth attacked...
W HEN Mr. G. P. Crowe, for British Railways, suggested that ark applicant, at Leeds last week, should restrict the use of a...
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" THE worst type of competition 1 against the railways and all A-licensed operators," was how Mr. P. Kershaw, for the...
S OMETHING ought to be done about concerns which "gaily entered into binding agreement" with hauliers and then did not honour...
" r AN you afford your transport fleet?" delegates at a conference to be held by Harrow and Wembley Productivity Association...
r'OMMENTING on the decision by , B.R.S. (Meat Haulage), Ltd., to terminate their contract with United Carriers, Ltd., Mr. P....
W ORK starts next month on a new 10-span viaduct to carry the North Circular Road over the railway at Edmonton. The viaduct,...
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Services in Russian Capital Being Rapidly Converted to Trolleybuses to Reduce Fumes and Incur Fewer Winter Breakdowns : Low...
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"Field" Tests Prove the Endurance of Trailers, Land-Rover Tractors and Two English Effendis By a Special Correspondent T WO...
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Roman Roads BY JANUS S " OMEWHERE the other day," said Maggie, "I read that the celebration of Christmas was even older than...
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W HEN he won the proud title' of Conductor of the Year at Broughton -under-• Wychwood on Saturday, Benjamin Franklin Godden...
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By a Special Correspondent T HE Northern Region of Nigeria, a territory bigger than France and having a population of 18m.,...
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S HOULD a vehicle suit its load, or the load suit the vehicle? This question, Mr. E. B. H. Elsbury, vehicle repair manager of...
T HE independent petrol engine driving the cement mixer of one of a fleet of 20 lorry-mounted mixers operated by Keir and...
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Asks R. E. G. Brown, F.C.I.S., NI.Inst.T. I AGREE with the overall point made by Janus in his article "No Proof" (December 11)...
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IS THE LEOPARD High powered Light A BRITISH lightweight passenger chassis with a large engine is unusual; although such a...
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the Editor Repeal Haulage Concessions to Farmers M ANY hauliers in rural districts will endorse what Mr. G. Duncan Jewell said...
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I NTERPRETATION of the regulations governing the permitted width of articulated vehicles is requested by a reader. He .names, a...
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ATENT No. 822,078 describes a device for inceasing the braking effect of a two-stroke engine. Normally, compression on the...