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Railways' Horsebox Facilities Criticized
R ACEHORSE owners from Mahon I% criticized British Railways' horsebox facilities when they supported an application by Mr. F. Turnbull, Pickering, to increase the radius of a......
Ticket System For Parking Offenders? .
"T AM considering the desirability o f introducin g. a . .system, sirriilar to one form of the ticket syst e m .in. use in America, which would enable drivers who admit parkin g......
Railway Management Attacked In Lords
WHEN the railways' financial diffivv culties were discussed in the House of Lords last week. Lord Lucas of Chilworth attacked the mana g ement of ' the British Transport......
Unlikely To A Gree To Terms
W HEN Mr. G. P. Crowe, for British Railways, suggested that ark applicant, at Leeds last week, should restrict the use of a special vehicle to two named customers, Maj. F. S.......