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THIS is the period of the year when the annual reports of municipal passengertransport departments are published and already...
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SATE have no doubt that the new Minister of Transport is going to have a very busy time. Already the wires are being pulled in...
1 , 7i THAT will happen, we are led to ask, in V respect of the usual system of road-transport companies of making specific...
sign has been introduced for places where tramcars suddenly swing in towards the kerb. We *ell remember an instance which...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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EBBW VALE District Council is to purchase a fire-engine. CARDIFF City Council has purchased a new Chevrolet six-eylinder motor...
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B Y reason of many years' service in this country the models 5 and 10 of the Simar Rototiller have become familiar to a...
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SPRAG SPRAGGING device called the Saifgo has been tested quite extensively during the past 12 months, and was submitted to us...
Classes That are Available and Uses to Which They Can Be Put. By a TIMBER SALESMAN. A LTHOUGH plywood now enters very largely...
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A SURPRISING number of Fords converted to the sixwheeler principle has already been placed on the market, but until now' we...
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FOUR TONNERS -on BREWERY WORK How a Newcastle Concern Increased Efficiency and Reduced Costs on Delivery Work. A LL shrewd...
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'O NE of those Government departments which make considerable use .of all types of commercial Motor vehicle, is the stores...
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VOLLOWING upon the great success which has attended the employment of the rigid six-wheeler principle in - connection with...
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A MONGST the multitude of devices for using fuels other than ixtrol which have been developed on the Continent during recent...
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T" use of a permanent struc ture as a covering for the upper part of a double-deck bus has been widely adopted for vehicles...
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Recounting Tests with a Leyland Six-wheeler in Australia. rrtHE merits of the six-wheeler for operating under extremely...
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A LTHOUGH the average type of Briton is a go-ahead sort of person, there are many Ways in which he is eclipsed for sheer...
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RECORDING INSTRUMENT irODERN road-tran spo rt con ditions necessitate the keeping of •a careful watch upon the movements of...
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Notes on Every Aspect of Coach and Bus Development. MHE report of the Lincoln Corporal._ don dealing with the working of the...
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Points which Often Require Attention. How the Work of the Maintenance Engineer can be Facilitated. The Question of...
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The Haulage of Ballast. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [28101 Sir,—At the moment we are on a job carting sand and ballast...
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T WO new models have recently been delivered by Wingrove and Rogers, Ltd., of Mill Lane, Old Swan, Liverpool, the makers of...
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GEAR CHANGING A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. I N their specification, No. 311,252, the...