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The Advance Of The Bus In Municipal, Circles.
THIS is the period of the year when the annual reports of municipal passengertransport departments are published and already the results for the financial year ended March 31st......
The Importance Of Limiting Horsed Transport.
SATE have no doubt that the new Minister of Transport is going to have a very busy time. Already the wires are being pulled in various directions, but there are signs that he......
Motorbus Depreciation And Railway Accountancy. •
1 , 7i THAT will happen, we are led to ask, in V respect of the usual system of road-transport companies of making specific provision for depreciation when an existing......
W E Are Glad To See That At Last A Warnin G
sign has been introduced for places where tramcars suddenly swing in towards the kerb. We *ell remember an instance which occurred to us in Croydon, Surrey, many years ago, when......