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A WELL KNOWN transport manager in the field of the ancillary user has, while writing to us on another matter, included a...
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T WO of the most important associations in the field of public-service transport will soon formally become one. They are the...
CONCERNING the merger of the Public Service Transport Association and the Omnibus Owners' Association, it is interesting to...
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That steam is on the boil again. That the railways are at present hogging the transport fat ration. Of sections being cut by...
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GOVERNMENT HAULAGE SCHEME NEARING COMPLETION C ONSIDERABLE progress has been made with the . development of the Government...
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areas in the Region can provide the see which of the five inspectorate highest percentage of retreadable casings (both giant...
rOALMENTS on the delays and kes uncertainties concerning the Government's schemeo,for the control of long-distance haulage were...
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J. A. WitrrixsoN has been promoted to the position of a senior vehicle examiner in the Eastern Region after 11 years as a...
How a Reconditioned Bedford Engine was Adapted to a Well-known Make of Chassis in Nine Days T HE non-availability of essential...
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Portable Chlorinating Trailer Unit Ensures Bacteria-free . Water Supply Following Damaged Mains O F great importance are the...
A T the extraordinary general meet ing of the Public Service Transpor: Assoeiation, held on Jima 16, to which reference was...
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Carrier Summarizing Some Information Concerning the Working of 13 Vehicles Forming Part of a Large Fleet Engaged on...
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T HE conversion of between 5,500 and 6,000 goods vehicles to producer gas has been the aim, so far, of the Government...
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T HE Fifth 4venue Coach Company, New York, claims to be the oldest passenger road-transport concern in America. It,s charter...
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How, by Reducing Overhead Charges, the Batteryelectric Machine Could Become Competitive with the Petrol-driven Lorry By "Azote...
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The Leaders of Labour Do Not Hesitate to State Their Policy and Demand the Restitution. of Those Pre-war Rights of the Unions...
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WHEN an oil engine is WV being .started, especially by an electric starting-motor, the rotational speed is' very low and often...