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COMMON Market cottunissioners met as CM went to press to consider applications for the deferment of the now notorious...
A BRITISH company, WeIlam International, have won a contract to supply industrial sand and gravel to Saudi Arabia. The...
PROPOSALS which could end the eight-week dispute over the drivers' subsistence f or m emerged from a meeting between the...
A COMMON transport policy was a vital part of the integration of the European Community as a whole, declared Sir Peter Kirk...
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GARDNER, the Manchester based diesel engine firm, could be swallowed up by the state owned giant Rolls-Royce. But it will not...
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Agricultural hauliers fear for future business AGRICULTURAL hauliers worried about future prospects will be keeping a weather...
on LT bus 'error/ LONDON Transport's failure to realise that its AEC Merlin buses were too long for the roads they used—with...
CUSTOMS facilities at Containerbases in Barking and at ICD Ltd have been improved with the installation of Station Presentation...
SHAREHOLDERS in the Co Durham based tipping gear and body company of Anthony Carrimore Ltd are being advised by their board to...
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NATIONAL Travel and its associated company Swan National are marketing a trial package combining express coach travel and car...
transport as a whole than the North West. The Merseyside container dispute was a classic involving as it did, Heaton's of St...
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with tachographs by CM reporter NO formal approval has yet been given by the Department of the Environment for any tachograph...
PLANS to turn two long-established Aberdeen haulage companies into one of Scotland's leading transport services have been...
A "COMPLETE misunderstanding" led to an appearance before the Transport Tribunal for Mr John Buckingham last week. He had...
Strongbox THE registered name of H. Tidd and Son Ltd, the bodybuilder, has been changed to Tidd Strongbox Ltd. The company...
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AN APPLICATION for a renewal of an '0' licence led to the revoking of the licence and appearance before the Transport Tribunal...
vehicl e sales BRITAIN'S commercial vehicle market in May was below last year's levels. But there were some signs of a recovery...
Rolls boss is SMMT president NEWLY elected president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is RollsRoyce group...
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AN AMERICAN OWNED chemical firm, Rohm and Haas (UK) Ltd, was fined the maximum of £400 over an explosion in a road tanker at...
A HAULAGE contractor admitted gross liabilities of £11,455, Including a £3,217 debt to the Inland Revenue, when he appeared at...
MIDDLE EAST trucker Mike Taylor was back home in Carlisle this week after being advised to sit down, shut up and pay up in a...
West Yorks A RECORD six women drivers took part in the West Yorks heat of the CMLDoY contest at Leeds but the overall winner...
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COACH OPERATORS face a threat from newspapers if they are granted a series of picking up points for excursions and tours...
THE first "kneeling" bus in this country has just been introduced by South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive. It is a...
EXPERIMENTAL Crompton battery electric buses have been acquired by South Yorks PTE and one will begin service in Doncaster next...
MORE than 100 buses and coaches from all over the country will congregate at the Hillingdon Show at Uxbridge tomorrow...
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Midland Red by CM reporter NO SUBSIDIES, no conductors, better off peak services and no losses—this may be the picture at...
LEYLAND B15 buses with the optional Gardner engine will have the benefit of the uprated version now under development. This is...
MANY small buses running through residential areas would cause more damage than a few large buses. That is the conclusion of a...
SECURING adequate parking and pick-up points for coaches —that is one aim of a newly formed organisation representing the coach...
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by Trevor Longcroft TRAILERS compatible with today's operation yet designed to comply with anticipated increases to vehicle...
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An automatic gearbox option has been added to the range of Volvo F86 trucks in the UK. Two Allison units will be available, the...
SAVIEM has introduced a cab conversion for self-catering drivers, aimed at overcoming night-stop problems, but without the...
THIS week the inspection service of the Freight Transport Association celebrates its 10th anniversary. From a pilot scheme...
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SEVERAL problems on road freight transport have suddenly come into focus, following the publication of a DoE document last...
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I heard of a novel retirement scheme at third hand this week. Ron Ellis, the British Leyland globe-trotting managing director,...
The real purpose of the editor's US trip was to visit Eaton transmission plants; an American operator; the Chicago Truck week...
The Eaton boys certainly laid it all on; former colleague Don Nicol, one-time of Freight Management, was in charge and after...
Talk of vacation and I think of the Isle of Man; the Isle of Man reminds me of the TT races; they remind me of Bob Holliday,...
Ken Jackson, the TGWU national secretary for commercial services, is due to retire next week. Ken has always been—now what's...
AFTER a quick glance at the two Press handouts which dropped on my desk, I decided that Ignorance was Biss. No. I said: "Years...
We've done more than our share of supplying the industry with press and PR men. In addition to HBC joining NFC, other firms...
Is the Wankel engine dead or dying? According to Elliott Estes, the president of General Motors, it is being given artificial...
Why is ethylene glycol-based anti-freeze better than a methanol-based one? According to Smiths Industries, who produce Bluecol,...
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a better chassis for the body makers by Paul Brockington IF chassis makers catered more for van builders, the job of providing...
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WARRINGTON is a good choice for training new drivers, and the local group training association makes effective use of the...
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by Johnny Johnson DELIBERATELY to provoke price increases and then refuse to allow a businessman permission to increase his...
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A silicone sealing compound called Hylosil, introduced by Marston Lubricants, is claimed to have advantages over other silicone...
The Tak-ette from Electronic Brokers is a battery-operated digital tachometer that will read and store, within one second, and...
To eslist the removal of stubborn nuts, Narco National has introduced an aerosol spray called Nut Runner. The penetrating fluid...
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The Government's recent paper on transport policy does not show any clear directional thinking that will sort out the freight...
We were very interested to read (CM May 28) that Leyland has offered to supply the Scottish Bus Group with Leopard coaches...
I noticed that you praised London Transport for having withdrawn their overall advert buses because you and many others did not...
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A. (Len) Teasdale thought he was capable of better things. He was right. He started in business with a VW van and is now the...
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these tankers FROM time to time, it may be necessary to repair the tank of a bulk liquid or gas carrier. This is something of...
The Continental Freight Drivers Club has taken up the question of the Dock Work Bill with a number of MPs and Members of the...
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Thrift, thrift, Horatio! The funeral baked meats Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables ON what must have seemed good...
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Four important areas of decision for fleet managers will get expert treatment at this year's CM Fleet Management Conference :...
Saving tyre costs through good management by Barrie Allbert Recent fleet examinations have revealed a vast wastage of tyres...
Heavy trucks—the gcw road ahead by David Rees Constraints are being imposed on truck design by conflicts and uncertainties in...
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Coping with the new employment and safety laws by Jonathan Lawton Many managers feel swamped by the new labour relations,...
Tachograph question time At the heart of the most contentious item of EEC transport legislation lies a piece of technical...
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the magistrates ruled that because the maintenance and servicing payment for their vehicle was provided from the same account...
vehicle over 3 tons unladen with a maximum gross weight of 10 tons; I am over 21 years of age? When will the new hgv driving...
few months and its test certificate has now lapsed. When I submitted it for its next test just before I wished to begin using...
question from a bodybuilding company as to the use of a customer's trade plates on customer's vehicle. Would sub-section 34 RV...
The Undertype Steam Road Wagon, by Maurice A. Kelly. Available from Goose & Son Publishers Ltd., Warn er House, Folkestone,...
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and equipment on show at this year's Institute of Solid Wastes Management conference at Paignton. Because of the restrictions...
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HAVING decided that the right vehicle for him is a 6 x 2 flat, Chris Carter now has to find a good second-hand runner....