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Going Off At 85
I heard of a novel retirement scheme at third hand this week. Ron Ellis, the British Leyland globe-trotting managing director, was telling CM's globe-trotting editor, who then......
Anyone For President ?
The real purpose of the editor's US trip was to visit Eaton transmission plants; an American operator; the Chicago Truck week and make one trip with "Rubber Duck", "Sundown" and......
No Vacs, Buddy
The Eaton boys certainly laid it all on; former colleague Don Nicol, one-time of Freight Management, was in charge and after visits in the UK to Aycliffe and Manchester, where......
From Cm To Tt
Talk of vacation and I think of the Isle of Man; the Isle of Man reminds me of the TT races; they remind me of Bob Holliday, lately news editor of CM, formerly editor of Motor......
On The Move
Ken Jackson, the TGWU national secretary for commercial services, is due to retire next week. Ken has always been—now what's the word I'm looking for?—oh well, forthright will......
Ignorance Is Biss
AFTER a quick glance at the two Press handouts which dropped on my desk, I decided that Ignorance was Biss. No. I said: "Years of successful and economical operations with VOLVO......
And Another Seven
We've done more than our share of supplying the industry with press and PR men. In addition to HBC joining NFC, other firms have benefitted from CM: Ailsa Trucks have John......
Blushing At Bedford
Is the Wankel engine dead or dying? According to Elliott Estes, the president of General Motors, it is being given artificial respiration on their test bench. But there is no......
Playing It Cool
Why is ethylene glycol-based anti-freeze better than a methanol-based one? According to Smiths Industries, who produce Bluecol, it is because: Methanol evaporates quickly,......