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T HE difference of opinion which has occurred between the Road Haulage Association a n d the Traders Road Transport Association...
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N EWS of the proposal to amalgamate Leyland Motors, Ltd., and Albion Motors, Ltd., will be received with mixed feelings by the...
The R.H.E. Goes A T the headquarters of the Into Battle — with 1-1 Road Haulage Executive Maps in London, an information room...
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That fare increases must proceed in stages. That if rubber becomes much more expensive, tyres may tread lightly. Inquiries as...
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A DIFFERENCE of opinion has arisen between the Road Haulage Association and the Traders' Road Transport Association on the use...
A RECOMMENDED scale of fair t't . charges for removals was submitted by Mr. W. lsard, chairman of the coatings and information...
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VESTERDAY, Lord Hurcomb, chair.1 man, British Transport Comt;nission, Jffic laity opened the Road Haulage Executive staff...
Explained "IT is the interval of time between I the date at which nationalized transport has had to suffer increased costs and...
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MR. W. H. AUSTIN has been elected chairman of the West Midland area of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association. MR. G....
DROPOSALS by a motor taxation I inquiry committee regarding the rationalization of motor taxation have been accepted by the...
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QUGGESTIONS that Ribble Motor 1-.) Services, Ltd., and the State-owned umberland Motor Services, Ltd., were milled in waging a...
A RESOLUTION by Cokhester Chamber of Trade to ban nationalized bodies from membership of local chambers has been rejected on a...
soothe:de Cleansing Committee recommends that a Seammell gully-emptier be obtained, Leeds City Council is recommended to obtain...
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F ARES on • cityservices having been increased last October,. Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., •Ltd., has now successfully'...
THE object of the visit of Continental heavy-vehicle Makers to this country, to which we made reference last week, is to secure...
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7HE level of exports of commercial L vehicles in March showed no aterial drop from that of February, it the weekly average...
A N Aberdeen haulier, who claimed substantial interference with his business because only four out of 10 long-distance permits...
THE limitation of expenditure upon highways, imposed by the Governtent as an ' economy ' measure, has set ack the development...
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Catches the Market By Alan Smith Mechanical Handling and Efficient Use of Road Vehicles Enable Fruit and Vegetables to be...
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By Alfred Woolf, B.A. New Buses for the Paris Transport Board Represent the French Solution of Urban Traffic Problems,...
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AVE yet to hear of a Labour M.P. who will admit it the growth of the C-licensee is due to the iciency of the nationalized...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.I.R.T.E. W HERE there is a concentration of population, a laundry may attain relatively easily a large...
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reported as saying that the Road Haulage Executive is a per manent feature of the Ivory Tower and can never be handed back to...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. W 1TH a cruising speed on the level of 18-20 m.p.h., and a large body to carry a 30-cwt. payload,...
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QPECIALLY designed to operate in -fashioned buildings, railway wagons or anywhere where space is at a premium and storage areas...
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I HAVE had some correspondence recently about insurance claims for loss of earnings, and they culminated in a visit of an...
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P ATENT No. 651,438 shows improvements in The Control of .injection pumps, claimed to eliminate " diesel knock" under...