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T HE Road Traffic Act may finally prove a measure which will be to the general good of road transport, although there are many...
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and bridges which have been approved out of the Road Fund since August, 1929, have reached the huge figure of £50,000,000. This...
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Of "safety pins" for trailer couplings. That Mr. Morrison does not like trailers. That the unilateral traffic system is fast...
A coach driver, following upon an accident, decided to ring up his employer at Ealing 1010. Three . times the operator failed...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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IPswrcn Town Council has decided to extend the municipal trolley-bus system at an estimated cost of approximately £19,700. The...
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Stockport Corporation proposes to substitute buses for the trams on the Cheadle Green route. The Leipzig Engineering,...
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An Ingenious and Inexpensive Threewheeled Machine for 2 ton Loads F OR many years Karrier Motors, Ltd., Huddersfield, has been...
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Some • Hitherto Undiscussed —of Road Transport, with Aspects of the Road Traffic Act Practical Suggestions for Insti and its...
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A Dennis Innovation Which Ensures E.flicient Load Distribution A NOTHER clever idea to aid the municipal cleansing officer in...
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OPPOSITE DOORWAYS On Passenger Vehicles Our Coachbuilding Expert Makes a Thorough Study of the Subject of Double Doorways and...
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MEM Commission of Mechanical Cul tivation of the Greek Ministry of Agriculture, which, in April last, conducted a farm-tractor...
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Definitions of Locomotives, Motor Tractors, Heavy Motorcars, Motorcars and Special Vehicles, Together with Advice on Points to...
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Road Test No. 49 D URING the past few weeks public attention has been drawn to the new production-type oil engine made by the...
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M ANY users of heavy goods vehicles are still hesitating about turning from solids to pneumatics. The question does not arise...
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A DISCUSSION ON ROAD-RAIL CO-ORDINATION The Omnibus Society Talks Over Some of the Existing end Anticipated Features A...
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Features of the Wolverhampton, Nottingham and Hastings Systems Which Have Been Inspected by the Municipality S OME interesting...
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Many Local Councils Approve a Scheme for the Inauguration of a Joint Authority F ROM time to time The Commercial Motor has...
Brief Details of the Corporation's Latest Depot 'which is Built and Equipped on Modern Lines T HE motorbus department of Leigh...
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A Reference to the Special Machinery and Advanced Methods Employed at the Luton Works of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., where Chevrolet...
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Load and Inflation Table for Low-pressure Pneumatic Tyres. The Editor, THE COADIERCIAL MOTOR. [3258] Sir,—In the issue of The...
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PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Nationalization and Co-ordination of Road and Rail Traffic. Imported...
B RIVITON Corporation recommends promoting a Bill, either alone or jointb with Hove Corporation and Thomas Tilling, Ltd., or...
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p HASDS of the transport organization of a concern which ranks as the third largest producer of granite in Leicestershire are...
DOR some years Messrs. - Dougherty janitch, 10, Cullum Street, London, E-C.3, have marketed the WhatWas-When instrument for...
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A LTHOUGH the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., of Crosseus, Southport, has long been in the market with its...
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THE HAULIER AND CARRIER R EADERS who have been following this rather long and involved conversation which I had with a man...
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FOUR-SPEED GEARBOX A Nsurn1 of :Recently Published Patent • Specifications TR' four-speed gearbox described in patent No....