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A NATURAL tendency should be resisted to regard as somewhat laughable the ideas of Greater London Council taking over London...
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A S COMMERCIAL MOTOR went to press, two outside concerns, Furness and Parker, a British Road Services subsidiary, and...
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A WARNING to goods vehicle operators not to delay in bringing the braking nandards of their vehicles up to the level vhich will...
B IRMINGHAM is to have a lorry drivers' motel with a guarded lorry park, restaurant and overnight accommodation. The scheme has...
F AD with 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. bans on loading and unloading in Birmingham, as well as no waiting...
I N anticipation of stiffer maintenance tests for lorries in promised legislation, the Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union...
T HERE is more than one way of getting an articulated combination for 32 tons gross. flow many ways? Next week's COMMERCIAL...
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ADVANTAGES to be derived by transport operators from the use of faster communications systems provided the theme for a talk...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT EGULAR commercial users of the 33-mile route between Larne and Stranraer operated by the...
BECAUSE hauliers have not used it sufficiently to justify the cost, the heavy vehicle park at Hardwick, King's Lynn. is no...
ROSTERS and leaflets calling attention to rewards for the recovery of stolen vehicles are now being distributed to members of...
T HE Queens Bench divisional court last week dismissed an appeal by Dixon Bool Transport Ltd., of Collingdon Road, West Dock,...
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E HE importance of a specialized study of transport requirements was stressed by [r. C. W. See at a conference in London on...
F ROM January 9, a Kangaroo centre will he in operation at Dunkirk, enabling British hauliers to forward semi-trailers adapted...
D ANIEL Stewart, haulage contractors, this week started a Continental meat delivery service between Blairgowrie, Perthshire,...
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From a special correspondent FRENCH officials in London this week have been in deep discussion with Ministry of Transport...
M Ps who were hoping to learn when bus operators will obtain a refund of last July's higher petrol tax were disappointed in the...
rr HE "continued drift and complacency" about open terminals for liner trains was one of the major scandals of the Ministry of...
T RANSPORT Minister Mrs. Barbara Castle answered a barrage of questions in the Commons on Wednesday. Her replies on some of the...
in Britain of over 3 tons unladen weight are between five and 10 years old, according to a Ministry of Transport booklet, Road...
From a special correspondent T HE appointment of a senior Civil Servant be the Government's financial and manageria overlord...
THERE was a decrease of 6.4 per cent in th volume of freight carried by the railway in the first nine months of this year...
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B RITISH RAILWAYS this week refused to divulge what the train element was in the rates structure for specific traffic between...
REFERRING to the application as "analogous to a Contract A licence", Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority,...
cCOTTISH Omnibuses Ltd. has been granted a licence to operate an express coach service from Edinburgh to Inverness. The...
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HE applications by the YorkshireL. Torbay Pool operators (COMMERCIAL :OTOR, November 11 and 18) occupied a rther three days...
OTHING gives a firmer confirmation of the growth of articulation than the fact that each time CM does a special number about...
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AN application for B licences for five mini-buses by Breken Air Freight Services Ltd. was refused by the Metropolitan deputy...
BECAUSE of difficulties in meeting contract guarantees, Robinson and Hannon Ltd. scrap metal merchants, supported an...
rr HE Mendip Tipper Operators' Commit tee has asked local quarry managers to consider paying rate increases of 2+ per cent with...
Edinburgh. last week refused two bus operators permission to increase their fares because or the provisions of the Prices and...
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SERIOUS doubts about the legality of the method of operation by a consortium of six operators of excursions to Manchester from...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT the strike of East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd. bus crews enters its sixth week, peace seems...
A WARDS gained by drivers and conductors of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co. Ltd. in the competition organized by the...
THE Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd. will be operating coach tours to the Continent for the first time in 1967. About 14 different...
B RITISH Rail and the Devon General bus company are co-operating in a new venture aimed at improved travel facilities. From...
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A N increase in municipal transport fares in Glasgow may be avoided if the corporation is willing to pay from the rates the...
DAIMLER Transport Vehicles Ltd., is to supply Bournemouth Corporation Transport with the increasingly popular Roadfiner...
situation has been experienced by London Transport during the past month, it is understood. In many districts garages now have...
Electric Traction Co. Ltd. in 1941, will be retiring from the company's service on April 30. He will also be resigning from the...
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S IX-WHEELED versions of the Bedford KM, plated for 20 and 22 tons g ross wei g ht, are now bein g offered by the Primrose...
q,CAMMELL'S latest range of single-axle " semi-trailers—the Challenger S—has been uprated from 22 to 24 tons gross train...
THE sixth depot in the Ford and Slater Ltd. service network opens on January 1 at Roundtree Way, off Mousehold Lane, Norwich....
tion to the Special Types General Order 1966 (S.1.1966 No. 1289) just published. On page 2 in article 1 the date October 10,...
M ANUAL loadin g and unloadin g of vehicles used in carryin g bricks, breeze and concrete blocks and similar materials adds...
D EVELOPMENT of an ambulance comfort able enough for stretcher patients and yet quickly adaptable to carry 10 sitting-case...
REPEAT orders worth £600,000 have been placed with Leyland Motors Ltd. by five South African bus operators. All the contracts...
GPO for 2,500 Anglia 5 cwt. vans (the Post Office ordered 1,850 of these vans in August) worth about £750,000. And the GPO has...
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y A. J. P. Wilding E HE increase in maximum gross weight from 22 to 24 tons for plated three-axle tics, with an outer axle...
MEW vehicles now operating for the Ross poultry division include this Dodge 22-tongross six-wheeler (above) carrying a...
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TN addition to the existing rear axle ratios of 4.265 and 5.14 to 1, Ford Transit 30cwt. and 35-cwt. models will be available...
REMOTE CONTROLLED emergency wan ' ing signals will gradually replace ti present temporary flashing amber signals an will be...
T HE operational advantages of artics have been matched by some engineering gains but there is another side to the coin from...
NViT H MoT roadside checks ever on the iticrease, it can only be fair comment that vehicle and trailer condition must...
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O F Swiss origin, a new multi-sweep machine is being marketed in this country by Broadland Auto and Electrical Ltd., which is...
A PARTICULARLY fine finish is provided by a new Algin pneumaticallyoperated sanding machine known as the Type 165 by virtue of...
K NOWN as the Zenith Tachygraph, a Swiss recording instrument will be marketed in this country from January by W. and J. Foster...
A STARTING torque that is double the full-load torque is provided by a new low-current induction motor produced by Barbie...
D E SIGNED to separate water and larger solids from diesel fuel, a new type of sedimenter has been introduced by CAV Ltd. which...
A PATENTED assembly method has been applied by Kingfisher (Lubrication) Ltd., to high-pressure grease guns which affords a...
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View BY THE HAWK Cheers—for safety N O less than 48 drivers received safe driving awards at the BRS Parcels Ltd. offices in...
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SPARES, SERVICE, :ONTINENTAL VEHICLES, THE FUTURE-SOME FRANK VIEWS I N common with most manufacturers of British commercial...
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BY IAIN SHERRIFF, MITA H AVE you ever driven over Shap Fell or Carter Bar, across Brough or up A l or A6, through the Pennines,...
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H ERETICS brought before the Inquisition were not informed of the charges against them. They were subjected to a verbal...
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By John Darker AMBIM T HAD not spent long in the company of senior executives of 1 Nortank Ltd. before my appetite was whetted...
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From Russia comes news of a thermo-generator energized by exhaust heat, and from America news of an original type of suspension...
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the training officer I NDUSTRIAL training is here to stay. Already, following on the implementation of the Industrial Act...
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averaging 800 miles a week? The initial cost is around E2,800 and the unladen weight 4 tons 7 cwt. A The five items of...
operator, is keen on having a device which will measure the intensity of the exhaust smoke from his vehicle. Is such a device...
log sheets. Firstly, under the heading "time commenced work" does this mean the actual time a driver steps into his cab or the...
boroughs, which themselves operate their own bus services, I notice that routes to new estates are sometimes shared with...
with radial-cord, braced tread tyres. Would you comment on their driving characteristics in view of adverse comment I have...
A This is manufactured by Metalistik Ltd., Evington Valley Road, Leicester.
does this compare with the level of taxation on the Continent? A Expressed as a percentage of the mini' mum price and based on...
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Training within the industry: London Transport Board TN a huge organization like London Transport-74,000 staff serving a...
Well Done, Bain and Hodge A DOWN-TO-EARTH, substantial reorganization was carried through a year ago by Bain and Hodge. It was...