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'this Is A Wangle' Mr. Else
SERIOUS doubts about the legality of the method of operation by a consortium of six operators of excursions to Manchester from various points in Shropshire were cast at an......
Eyms Strike Spreads As Bids For Talks Fail
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT the strike of East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd. bus crews enters its sixth week, peace seems further away than ever. For the strike spread last......
Award-winner Presents Safety Awards
A WARDS gained by drivers and conductors of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co. Ltd. in the competition organized by the Road Operators' Safety Council were presented last......
Trent To Cross The Channel
THE Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd. will be operating coach tours to the Continent for the first time in 1967. About 14 different holidays' are offered in conjunction with......
Rail Tickets-at Bus Stations
B RITISH Rail and the Devon General bus company are co-operating in a new venture aimed at improved travel facilities. From November 20, travellers can purchase railway tickets......