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WHEN the doors close on the Motor Show on Sunday the organisers will be able to look back on their 1980 effort with much more...
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LIERS looking to West Yorkshire for a lead on this year's wage tiations were disappointed this week. Leeds and Bradford drivave...
THIS YEAR's Show is the largest and quite the best motor show in the whole world, according to Prime Minister Margaret...
A NATIONAL type approval scheme for commercial vehicles is moving closer, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher revealed in...
IRELAND's 700 striking oil tanker drivers returned to work last week, after Rights Commissioner Con Murphy came up with an...
RE is still no break in the oil er drivers' wage negotia3. Shell drivers have been .mmended to reject a 14 per increase which...
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A LARGE proportion of the 2,400 workforce at the Gardner Engines factory at Eccles, near Manchester is for the third week...
THE NUMBER of permits a able to British hauliers for j neys to West Germany is ti increased from 16,500 to at I 20,000 in 1981....
FODEN lorries will only change where they must, and Sandbach Engineering will indulge in evolution rather than revolution....
BEFORE Shelvoke and Drewry can implement plans to axe 35 jobs at Letchworth (CM, October 11), the company is considering making...
MACK Distributors (UK) . gone into receivership but "nominally continuing to trai from the premises of CTS (M chester) Ltd...
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ri Members of Parliament are still "violently anti-lorry," accordto Leicester University's Or Clifford Sharpe. DAVID WILCOX rts...
HEAVIER taxes on lorries, toll roads, and rush-hour lorry bans could come in the near future, according to Worthing...
E LOSS-MAKING Renwick ight division could soon be in v hands if a £5.8m bid for the gnton-based Renwick Group is through. AH...
FRANCE has tightened its controls on lorries on Sundays, and no longer allows perishable goods loads to move at will. Under...
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IANSFRIGOROUTE Europe is looking for access to customs clearice at all times and every day for the year. It also wants...
RAMPIAN HOLDINGS are ?eking shareholders' approval 1r a £1.7m deal to take over the aisley-based haulier James unninghame. The...
ARGO TRAFFIC increased by 3.1 per cent in the port of Ant, erp during the first half of 380. This overall increase is qually...
INTER COUNTY Express has opened a Elm parcels delivery depot at Cannock, Staffordshire. The depot, which serves the West...
NORTH ATLANTIC operator CAST has opened a new container trucking terminal at Antwerp, as a European base for its Blue Box...
NEW regulations to standardise British workplace safety signs and colours in line with the resi of the European Communities...
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IRELAND's professional hauliers say that the present quantity licensing system should be kept, but they want more thorough...
HEAVY VEHICLES crossing t Erskine Bridge in Scotland v have to pay an 80p toll fee stead of the current 50p if nc proposals are...
A ONE-DAY conference Effective Management of Heav Road Transport, is to be held a the Europa Hotel, Grosveno Square, London, on...
THE NEW premises of the Teesside Transport Training Association Ltd at Middlesbrough was opened last Monday by Prince Michael...
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'VAS FAIR for a Sheffield lorry driver to be sacked for refusing to e out a load which involved an overnight stay, according to...
THE Freight Transport Association has introduced a new insurance package for British exporters to cover cargo carried by road,...
IE Freight Transport Association is objecting strongly to two parate lorry bans at King's Lynn and Enfield/Barnet. Norfolk...
THE HUMBER to Antwerp ro/ro freight service of Cobelfret NV has been switched from Hull to Immingham. By moving to Immingham,...
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REYNOLDS BOUGHTON Ltd has won an order from the Southern Electricity Board for 43 of its four-wheel drive RB.44 chassis. To...
following areas: Scotland: Repair work is in progress on the M9 at Arngask, Perthshire. Northern England: Ml/M18. There are...
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EATON and Brockhouse are combining on a project with Gulf to develop a torque converter/gearbox combination. The test vehicle...
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give the final touch to the sleeping compartment. Winning a gold medal was M & G's double-skinned grp road tanker, designed to...
Automobile Manufacturers at the Motor Show to promote improvement in design, construction and finish of motor vehicle bodywork...
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NEW ROTARY fuel-injection pump for diesel engines has been Toduced by Lucas CAV. The DPS is suitable for high-speed diesels th...
)YCE Electronics have introiced a petrol engine tester hich has cordless remote intro! operation. The machine runs through its...
NEVILLE CHARROLD's non tipping all-steel semi-trailer offers capacities in excess of 61cum (80cuyd). A "live floor" is included...
A FLAT-frame all-aluminium skeletal trailer — called the Featherweight — has been introduced by Welford Truck Bodies of...
AFTER a spate of breakdowns due to overheating when vehicles operated 24 hours a day, ICI's Petrochemical Division in Wilton,...
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WHILE Bedford's JJL midik seems to have been stillborn, turbocharged YNT coach col capture a new slice of the m ket, writes...
The NEC gave DAF the chance to display for the first time its MB200 DKTL mid-engine coach chassis fitted with a Jonckheere high...
TWO MORE operators have ordered Scania BR 1 1 2DH double-deck bus chassis. Merseyside PTE has asked for five with Alexander...
THE latest addition to the Hestair-Dennis range of bus chassis the Lancet (CM, October 11). Available with a choice of...
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1TOR-TRADE apprentices at Merthyr Tydfil technical college now re a 1967 Leyland Leopard bus to help them gain experience of...
A CAMPAIGN to promote the use of local bus services, has been launched by Hertfordshire County Council. Run jointly with...
BRITISH Car Auctions have been encouraged by the response to a recent coach sale held at Brighouse in West Yorkshire. The...
COACH OPERATORS whose vehicles pick up or set-down at London's Waterloo, Victoria and Charing Cross stations should note that...
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RAY HICK has become the new works engineer at Midlands British Road Services Wolverhampton repair centre. He was previously...
DINGWALL operator Newton's Coaches are to close their subdepot in Inverness, making five employees redundant. Newton's Coaches...
THE LATEST recruit to the offbus ticket purchase scheme is Kingston-upon-Hull City Transport. Known as Crown Card, the new...
THE FIRST Bombardier inter-city coach for Coras lompair Eireann will be completed by the beginning of next month, according to...
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HEN Peter Thompson, chief ecutive of what is now the rtional Freight Co Ltd, said at a bad driver could cost his nployer £4,000...
AN EXHUMATION order has been made for the big A, which was ceremoniously buried by workers at the Seddon Atkinson plant at...
A SOUTHDOWN open-top double-decker has been on a working holiday in Denmark. The Danes wanted an opentopper for a children's...
BRITISH Railways Board's second edition of Facts and Figures contains some fascinating information. For instance, 19 trains a...
are needed by the Winged Fellowship Trust to help with physically disabled holidaymakers at three centres at West Bridgford,...
from 1.95 each are available from le loP, 61 New Cavendish treet, London W1M 8AR. I aven't got mine yet, but I am ure at least...
HE KNOCKING the motor lanufacturers are now flaxantly engaging in must be naking advertisement mangers of earlier years turn in...
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IE ARTICLE "Hours Regs Are 3unted" (CM, September 27, i) must have understandably yen your readers cause for incern. They will...
HAVING been involved in the manufacture and sales of demountable equipment over the past ten years and an active member of the...
YOUR editorial (CM, October 4) totally misrepresents the attitude of the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport...
I HAVE BEEN surprised at the number of people who have been under the impression that I am the Tony Wilding reported in a...
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While the industry waits for the Armitage Report on UK gross weights, CM has been testing a selection of five 40-tonners over...
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Tim Blakemore enjoyed his first run at 40 tonnes; it was an eye-opener in many ways and returned the fastest average speed of...
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Uprated Rolls engine is a willing performer at low revs, but oh for a few more gears THE FODEN FLEETMASTER we tested during...
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The 1M4400 has proved its worth among Italian operators, who are allowed a 44-tonne gvw. While its many good qualities include...
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The Volvo F12 braked so well that Tim Blakemore thought he'd misread the tacho . . oh yes, it goes well too. The extra cab...
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On the motorway it only returned 6.75mpg, but the chassis suspension's impressive, the ride's quiet, and the price is right....
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VE DON'T BELIEVE it's possible ) put commercial vehicles in ome kind of points-system :ague table as each has its relave...
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by Graham Montgomerie Testing methods have improved by leaps and bounds during recent years. Esso'l dynamometer complex at...
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The same engineering trend is repeated time and again at the NEC: kerb weights are coming down. By Graham Montgomerie ANY...
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IN PREVIOUS articles the way in which electrical energy is stored in a battery was explained. The energy used from the battery,...
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IIANAGING director of Seddon akinson Vehicles Bob Johnson ad this to say. Although I have been in the IK for only four months,...
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MAN with an overall view of both the UK and USA scene is John Mo Fleming, director of ommercial vehicle operations, Vauxhall...
HOLDING strong views on how the industry should conduct itself in difficult times is Erich Krampe, managing director,...
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.LWAYS looking on the bright ide is Les Jones, managing irector of MAN-VW Truck and us Ltd. I have seen all sides of the lotor...
Better value for money will be crucial A MAN who measures his words carefully is S. A. Olsen, managing director of Volvo...
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'FR IVES, managing director, )AF Trucks (GB) Ltd was more :onfident about DAF's future han of the UK as a whole. For some...
BOTH REALISTIC and optimistic in his assessments is Andy Thorns, truck sales director of Ford Motor Co Litd. Total commercial...
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PENDING legislation will play a Dig part in the future economy lays Dr G. L. Brasca, chairman pf IVECO (UK) Ltd. The current...
A CAUTIOUS Gaelic view was presented to our cautious Gaelic editor by Guy-Francois Caunegre of Renault Trucks & Buses (UK)...
PERHAPS predictably David Abel of Leyland Vehicles extolled T45 and flew the flag rather than looking at the overall scene....
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PETER Foden of ERF is a realist. Nothing lasts forever! The present recession will come to an end, although the light in the...
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by Douglas Ainley Secret ballots on employers' premises THE ORIGINAL Government intention in making public funds available for...
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The Show has seen many changes, but don't be blinded by science. Steve Gray takes a cool look at the plusses (and the minuses)...