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New Diesel Pump
NEW ROTARY fuel-injection pump for diesel engines has been Toduced by Lucas CAV. The DPS is suitable for high-speed diesels th ratings of up to 22kW (30bhp) per cylinder and has......
Look: No Cords!
)YCE Electronics have introiced a petrol engine tester hich has cordless remote intro! operation. The machine runs through its ogramme of tuning tests autoatically when the hand......
Live Floor Tipper
NEVILLE CHARROLD's non tipping all-steel semi-trailer offers capacities in excess of 61cum (80cuyd). A "live floor" is included for load discharge which, it is claimed, can be......
Featherweight Trailer
A FLAT-frame all-aluminium skeletal trailer — called the Featherweight — has been introduced by Welford Truck Bodies of Stoke-on-Trent. Designed to run on super single tyres......
Hot Stuff
AFTER a spate of breakdowns due to overheating when vehicles operated 24 hours a day, ICI's Petrochemical Division in Wilton, Cleveland, has equipped its new Seddon Atkinson 400......