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V ALUABLE reminders of means for promoting efficiency and reducing costs in passenger transport were given this week to members...
Once Upon a Time win , do people choose to travel by bus instead " of by train? Officials of British Railways in South Wales...
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That fusion is better than confusion. That the Labour Party seems to be suffering from uclear fission. 0 . . . and ought to...
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A N•aItempt by the Railway Executi to 'capture some of the bus traf in South Wales has been countered I Western Welsh Omnibus...
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LTHOUGH, as compared with 1952, British Road Services have so this year lost over 2m. tons of fie and have reduced mileage by...
A FTER consultation with Gen. Sir Brian Robertson, chairman of the British Transport Commission, the Minister of Transport has...
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R EPRESENTATIVES of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce may shortly be received by the Minister of Transport to...
" UNNECESSARY 7 SERVICE A N admission' that Mr. M. T. D. Weston,.of East Looe, had . applied fOr'peirnission to pick up at...
MR. A. BUCKLEY has been appoint, field manager of the northern divisii of E. R: Howard, Ltd. MR. J. H. LAWRENCE,mana g i...
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AEMORIES of 1947, when some ' 1 4,000 people were said to have leued at one time to book seats in iaches on the company's...
• WHEN Mr. G. U. Costello, Boldon • VV Colliery, County Durham, appeared before the Northern Deputy Licensing Authority at...
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A S from October 1, it will be legal tA to use petroleum tankers of 4,000gallon capacity. This change was forecast in The...
R EVIVAL of road-rail competition as a consequence of the Transport Act, 1953, may mean the closing of many little-used railway...
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PPOINTMENTS to the posts of Northern and South Wales Licens; Authorities are likely to be made own shortly. Mr. S. W. Nelson,...
LTHOUGH the output of commercial vehicles for July showed increase in the weekly rate over the res for the first six months of...
L ASTyear, London Transport's costs rose to 130 per cent. above pre-war level, whereas fares increased by an average of only 63...
Delhi Road Transport Services have placed an order with Guy Motors, Ltd., for 35 Arab single-deck bus chassis. Substantial...
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" I DON'T know why my officer has been so simple and so soft. I would have prosecuted him, and Baldwins as well," said Mr. A....
A B LICENCE was granted i L - XSiddle C. Cook, Ltd., Consult, by ti Northern Licensing Authority, la week, to enable them to...
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Increased Payload Space and Improved Bodywork : Pick-up Has Wheelbase of 8 ft. 11 in. and Can Carry 10 Passengers N increase...
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By Andrew Seacombe T HE , HE problem of feeding a host a nearly 100,000 employees is one that faces few industrial...
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Seddon 6-7-ton Chassis with Perkins 108 b.h.p. Engine has Adequate Power for Mountain Work or for High-speed Trunk Haulage By...
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A FOUR-WHEELED lorry can be rA converted into an articulated outfit in a matter of minutes by an arrangement designed and...
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F OR upwards of 30 years, transport in Northern Ireland has remained very much in the melting pot. It has obstinately refused...
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Municipal and Company Operators Disagree A WARNING given by the chairman of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association to...
F IGURES showing that buses and staff were now used more efficiently than in the past were presented by Mr. Bamford, The number...
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1GHT-ALLOY bodywork for their range of chassis under 12 tons gross is now being manufactured by Transport Equipment...
A NUMBER of new accessories has been produced by Wingard (M.A.), Ltd., Chichester, Sussex. The company have enlarged their...
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4,4 RIMITIVE people believe that virtue resides in p a name. They keep their own a secret, and choose • for themselves a...
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The Fourth Edftion of "The. British Commercial Vehicle Industry " Sets a New Standard in Reference Books V ITH each succeeding...
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Overhead Costs in Running a Haulage Business May Well Total a Surprising Sum : Operators Should Therefore Keep Careful Record...
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T HIRTY-S1X operators represented by 130 vehicles gave their support to the commercial-vehicle rally held in Coventry last...