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4 Wo New Licensing 'authorities
PPOINTMENTS to the posts of Northern and South Wales Licens; Authorities are likely to be made own shortly. Mr. S. W. Nelson, at :sent Northern Licensing Authority, to succeed......
Exports Highest For 14 Months
LTHOUGH the output of commercial vehicles for July showed increase in the weekly rate over the res for the first six months of year, exports for the month reached highest, in......
Higher Costs And Lower Traffic
L ASTyear, London Transport's costs rose to 130 per cent. above pre-war level, whereas fares increased by an average of only 63 per cent. Even today, fares are only 77 per cent.......
In A Line Or Two The Head Office Of Anthony Hoists. Ltd.,...
Delhi Road Transport Services have placed an order with Guy Motors, Ltd., for 35 Arab single-deck bus chassis. Substantial reductions in the price of their lamps are announced......