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sICENTIVE bonus schemes Or bus workers must be pproached with the utmost tion. It is significant that no - ipany is known to be...
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R ECENTLY The Commercial Motor was asked by a new vehicle manufacturer to help in completing the details of his design....
An Architect's Dream A MONG the various schemes for new towns, either put " into practice or in the theoretical stage, that...
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That there are no good mudguards for election dirt." That in Britain it is no longer a cinch to use a halfpenny measure an...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT IMPROVEMENTS in working conditions which will have an effect on A wages will be sought by the...
I N 1958, 1,000m. tons of merchandise were carried in road vehicles. In the same period, claims the Roads Campaign Council,...
T HE national executive committee of the Road Haulage Association were asked at their meeting on Wednesday to consider...
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J N Tuesday the British Transport Commission contested before Mr. A. IL Jolliffe, North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, at...
EXT week The Commercial Motor wilt publish the annual British nrnercial Vehicles for World Markets Tiber. It will contain 80...
T HE failure of the British Transport Commission to notify him of the withdrawal of objections to a B-licence variation was...
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MR. HAROLD MACMILLAN is to open the Motor Show at Earls Court on October 21. MR. D. PooLEy has become the southern area...
L'IGURES issued by the Petroleum I Information Bureau for the consumption of petroleum products during the first half of this...
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a written decision, published last ek, the West Midland Licensing ority, Mr. W. P. James, granted ns Express Parcels Service,...
T1GURES relating to the export of British commercial vehicles to countries which will help to form the proposed European free...
F ORTY-ONE entrants in the fi nal of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition at Bramcote last Sunday earned The Commercial...
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W HEN Oswald Transport, Ltd., were called before Mr. W. P. James, West Midland Licensing Authority, at Hanley last Friday, to...
Tim first public appearances of the 1 British-built Perkins Mars gas turbine will be at the National Boat Show in London in...
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T HE programme of the next session of the London Division of the Industrial Transport Association includes the following...
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New Dumper has 17.9—litre Turbocharged Engine C LAIMED to be one of the largest mechanically propelled units to be manufactured...
INDEPENDENT front suspension is a leading feature of the chassis specification of Chevrolet trucks for 1960. It is claimed that...
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E question how popular Blackpool :liuminations were with the residents inckley, Leics, was argued before ihe Midland Traffic...
A DENIAL was issued by Mr. C. T. Humpidge, general manager of Bradford Transport Department, last week after suggestions had...
QHEFFIELD magistrates heard a long 0--- ) legal argument last week when Mullan Brothers, Ltd., Thompson Street, Whittington...
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S lX vehicles, including two to be acquired, were added to the A licence of Wring's Transport, Ltd.. Bristol, 3, by Mr. S. W....
I T was " grim necessity" which brought him before the Scottish Traffic Commissioners, said the deputy town clerk of Edinburgh,...
F INES totalling £8. with £2 2s. costs were levied on a lorry driver at Beverley Petty Sessions last week, whilst two charges...
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Moulded Fibre Parts ,READY in production with instrument cowlings for the motor industry roduced from moulded fibre. Hawley...
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C. DaMes Becomes Lorry Driver of the Year : Pease Transport Man Second.' A. E. Haywood Spoils His Chance O NE of 29 previous...
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Latest Scania-Vabis Heavy-duty Fourwheeler, Has 165 b.h.p. Oil Engine, Giving High Performance and Commendable Fuel Economy By...
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y John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. S HORTLY before the opening of the Frankfurt Show last week it was apparent that one of the main ,...
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Municipal Operators • Look to the• Future r NDER the chairmanship of the president. Mr. F. S. Taylor, general manager,...
Labour and Other Troubles Likely to be Caused by Singling Out Bus Crews for Bonuses p RESENTING his paper, "A Review of the...
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Survival of Public Transport Depends on Adaptability and Determination I NTRODUCING his paper on "The Future of Municipal...
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M ODIFYING art oil engine, to provide the output characteristics of a petrol engine around peak revolutions without raising the...
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Deed Without a Name By JANUS L ESS than a month ago, and not for the first time, , referred to the unvarying skill with which...
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Short Memory By The Hawk RITING to The 'Financial Times, Mr. Bernard Braine, the last Tory M.P. for South East Essex, decries...
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By Richard Dangerfield W HEN the Offley Bros., of Ellesmere Port, purchased a milk lorry in 1921 they could hardly have...
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There are Various Methods of Raising Loans, and Different Schemes for Financing a Number of Expenses Met by Hauliers L AST...
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P ATENT No. 816,325 deals with opposed-piston two-stroke engines in which one piston controls the inlet . ports and the other...