25th September 1959, Page 43
25th September 1959
Page 43

Page 43, 25th September 1959
Ollins Seek 16— Granted Two
a written decision, published last ek, the West Midland Licensing ority, Mr. W. P. James, granted ns Express Parcels Service, Ltd., all Wood, a variation to an existing :ence,......
Rise In British Exports To "the Seven"
T1GURES relating to the export of British commercial vehicles to countries which will help to form the proposed European free - trade association are given in " The Seven."......
41 Winners Of "c.m." Diploma Of Merit
F ORTY-ONE entrants in the fi nal of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition at Bramcote last Sunday earned The Commercial Motor Diploma of Merit by gaining 75 per cent, or......