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I T is plain from last week's transport debate in the House of Commons that Mr. Fraser, the Transport Minister, is somewhat in...
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T O avoid distress and suffering among young animals, and delays in arrival at markets, livestock vehicles should be stopped in...
MEW laboratories for Simms Group Research and Development Ltd. were formally opened by Mr. George Darling, Minister of State,...
THE Minister of Transport proposes to amend the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations, 1964, so that front corner marker lamps...
THIS new general-cargo 12-ton-capacity semi-trailer has been introduced by I Multiwheelers Commercial Vehicles Ltd. Known as...
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THIS Foden tractive unit (above) with Gardner engine and Foden I2-speed gearbox is hauling a 60 ft. long semi-trailer built by...
⢠AST week, in London, the Trades Union Congress decided to take a hand in the pay claim of 7,000 white collar workers...
I T would appear that more manpower for maintenance is unlikely to become available and vehicles that can operate with far less...
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T HE ETOM Anglo-Dutch group (40 per cent Thomsen's Verenigde Bedrijven NV of Rotterdam, 60 per cent Transport Development Group...
MOBILE CONTAINERS FOR LOADING FOODSTUFFS T HESpar grocery wholesalers who operate this Austin-ECG outfit (left) with Bonallack...
THE plan of Securicor Ltd. to provide I a nation-wide service to road hauliers, introduced under the code name HELP âHaulage...
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A CORNISH company which has made very big business indeed of digging up its native county and shipping it to all parts of the...
TW 0 Bow firms and two drivers were fined at Thames Magistrates' Court last weekâthe firms for permitting each driver to...
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A S soon as the technical sub-committees considering the road transportation of 70 inflammable liquids have made sufficient...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A NEW BR-BRS parcels and sundries service ... longer freight hauls on the railways ......
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L ORRY drivers' standards of skill and courtesy were deteriorating, claimed a Peer in the House of Lords last week. "More and...
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B ECAUSE a director had been less than frank" about the relationship between his own and another firm of hauliers the Transport...
LL AST week a 26-vehicle C licence was revoked by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, because of the...
niFFICULTIES presented by the current dock situation led a Birmingham haulier to apply for the licensing of two additional...
from Contract A to A licence by Crow's Transport Ltd., Gateshead, was granted by the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T....
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TWO companies seeking to provide lowcostcamping holidays in Europe were given a restricted grant by the Metro politan deputy...
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From our Industrial Correspondent I T took further assistance from Ministry of Labour conciliation officers to overcome the...
A N indication that it may withdraw from the National Joint Industrial Council has been given by Manchester Corporation...
ONE-MAN DOUBLE-DECKERS WITH OR WITHOUT TOP DECKS OPEN D RAFT Regulations to permit the . more extensive use of one-man...
DROPOSALS for a regional transport board, with Manchester as its centre, have been revived in the area. The initiative on this...
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S OME rural bus services operated by Potteries Motor Traction Co. Ltd. may have to be withdrawn because the TGWU wants a...
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Y concentrating production on a standard range of 14 semi-trailer models, the Barton Stacey firm of Pitt Trailers Ltd. aims to...
T HE necessity for competent road transport engineers was stressed by Mr. A. J. Bryant, fleet engineer, Reed Transport Ltd.,...
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!SING welded construction with standard-size steel pressings, Cravens Homalloy %-..â Ltd., Sheffield, are now producing...
A SPARK-IGNITION engine operating on open throttle throughout the load-speed range is posed as an interesting possibility by...
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Unusual Cause of Dropped Semi-trailer S 0ME months ago operational problems of articulation were discussed at length, and it...
THIS week's prizewinner is Mr. G. Brim, of Litherland, Liverpool. He says that his company was supplied with new vehicles...
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and Publications Anti-theft Device from Ward Bros. A N anti-theft device suitable for use on commercial vehicles is now...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, AM1 MechE Astringent Comment from Coventry New Daimler chief engineer sees stratifiedcharge petrol...
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VIEW By the Hawk Grounds for Appeal Lord Muirshiel knows his Scotland. So who better to vouch for the story he told delegates...
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A NNOUNCED and described in The Commercial Motor on October 8 and shown publicly for the first time in the UK at the Scottish...
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goes for rear engines BY DEREK MOSES T HE discerning bus operator today is faced with a bewildering choice of chassis and...
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⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠S ⢠⢠S ⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠Putting Costing to Wider Use INTERNAL COSTINGS VALUE CAN BE...
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Good Cheer from ERF at Half-way Stage QHAREHOLDERS of ERF HOLDINGS have reason si to be delighted with the latest...
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Why Not Have Single-deckers in London ? IN regard to Mr. Hyslop's criticisms of a previous letter I of mine (The Commercial...
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W HAT excellent sense is contained in Geor g e Wilmot's article on re g ional studies on November 5. Of course he is ri g ht to...
By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London Methods of Examination in Transport-1 THE formal...