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HEN operators of C-licensed vehicles were freed from the restriction 'radius. of 40 Miles containedin the original . Transport...
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E VERY motor vehicle is composed of many hundreds of parts and each of these is usually named for the convenience of both the...
The Walker Should THE Royal Society for the be Subject to Safety A Prevention of Accidents Rules has expressed itself as...
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Hears— Of overhead roads—but only in the air at present. slow-moving road Of progress in the restriction of traffic in busy...
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FODEN OIL ENGINE TESTS "HIGHLY SATISFACTORY" A N advanced stage has been reached in the design and development of the Foden...
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O FFICIAL figures show that in July 17,883 new vehicles other than cars and motorcycles were registered for the first time...
IN the first seven months of this year ..texports of commercial vehicles, including industrial trucks, general haulage tractors...
STATION CHARGES INQUIRY: PROCEEDINGS INVALID A N inquiry into charges made by Morpeth Town Council for the use of its bus...
R ECIPIENTS will have to enter their names on a new style of "X " coupons which is to be introduced on October 29. Coupons will...
N EARLY 200 guests attended a function recently held at Gleneagles by the Scottish and North-West Region of the Vauxhall...
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T OWARDS the end of July the .I. Commercial Vehicle Committee of the S.M.M.T. considered the Society's Exhibition policy for...
T WO remarkable journeys with awkward loads have recently been made by road transport vehicles on behalf of civil aviation....
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tyres, the N.R.T.F. has sent a letter to Sir Stafford Cripps, informing him that the Federation continues to be gravely...
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AEMOR1AL .services to Sir Harold 1.1riKenward, late director of distribution of the Dunlop 'Rubber Co., Ltd., Who died 'on the...
put before the Road Haulage Central Wages Board next month concerns the efforts to have the speed limit for heavy motorcars...
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F OR some aspects of the Army methods of Instruction I have a . great admiration. One which has „always tickled me has been the...
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Process Shows Remarkable Results r XCELLENT results are being E . , obtained with a new process,, which has, been developed...
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Shorn of Frills T LS article should really be entitled FI" How to Maintain a Fleet of 41 Vehicles with a Garage Manager, Three...
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Ration Go Round B R ITA 1 N'S critical food situation places upon operators of vehicles carrying foodstuffs special...
TO-MORROW some 40 members of the Swedish Road Haulage Association (S.L.F.) will arrive at Tilbury on the famous "Saga," the...
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SLUDGING and DILUTION By R. W. BENT, M.I.Mech.E. I N ensuring that an adequate supply of the correct quality of lubricating...
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A ""'type of valve-spring collar, which is so simple that one wonders why it has not been thought of before, has been patented...
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B11111 EUST R ISING costs of material and labour together with the critical shortage of spare parts, make it imperative that...
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A SINGLE-ACTION erankless press, having a capacity of 2,000 tons, has recently been completed_ at the Elswick Works of...
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0 NE of our drivers had the misfortune to be involved in art accident when over 200 miles from home, and the radiator was...
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at International L eVel L . GRAHAM DAVIES T • HE Fourth International Conference on Public Cleansing, which took place in...
P APERS on street cleansing in America, by Mr. William A. Xanten, of the Washington D.C. &mice, and by M. Alfred E. D....
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications INTENDED for two-stroke oil engines, j. a novel type. of piston is Shown...