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July New Registrations _approach 18,000
O FFICIAL figures show that in July 17,883 new vehicles other than cars and motorcycles were registered for the first time under the Roads Act, 1920. The monthly average for......
Seven Months' Exports : £14,600,000
IN the first seven months of this year ..texports of commercial vehicles, including industrial trucks, general haulage tractors and trailers, brought to Britain £14,671,271......
Film Unit Had Been Commissioned To Produce A Documentary...
STATION CHARGES INQUIRY: PROCEEDINGS INVALID A N inquiry into charges made by Morpeth Town Council for the use of its bus station was recently abandoned, because Mr, S. W.......
Petrol Coupons Must Be Signed
R ECIPIENTS will have to enter their names on a new style of "X " coupons which is to be introduced on October 29. Coupons will also have to be signed before petrol is supplied.......
Dealers "stand Easy"
N EARLY 200 guests attended a function recently held at Gleneagles by the Scottish and North-West Region of the Vauxhall Bedford Dealers Club. Sir William J. Thomson, C.St.J.,......