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RUES could be banned from large areas of the County of Avon, if s being discussed earlier this week are implemented, writes N...
THE NEED to reach a wage settlement in the West Midlands this year looks like taking prece. dence over the Transport and...
VON County Council has pped plans to sue local fliers for allegedly causing nage to road surfaces. he council had planned (CM,...
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NIEW TRANSPORT SECRETARY David Howell won praise for ;peaking "like a real transport man" last week, as a busy schedule tept...
THE INTERNATIONAL Thr Transport Operators Groui is concerned about mounting problems facin! sector of the haulage indust For...
THE ITF-affiliated Luxembc Federation of Railway Transport Workers has rence the collective agreem covering its road haulage dr...
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kIEW GEARBOX series from ner-Spicer was announced at Frankfurt Show last week. he first model in the new ies, designated the...
A DRIVER who refused to do long-distance hauls simply because he disliked being away from Inverness was not entitled to such...
COMPANIES which fail to develop a woman's career art losing out on a valuable asset. No Barriers Here is a guidE published by...
DORADA HOLDINGS, th vehicle distribution, engineerin and merchanting group, repor an operating loss of £679,000 fr the six...
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E VEHICLES were suspended for one month from the licence I by L. & C. P. Harper (Hauliers) Ltd of East Cottingworth, which...
RISTIAN Salvesen has made onditional agreement to buy le American cold stores ailing 22m cuft from Pet Inc, a lolly owned...
FRONTIER frustrations caused by time differences between European countries may be eased by new European Community rules on...
CENTRAL Regional Council roads committee proposes to in troduce a three-ton weight res. triction in the centre of Grange....
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NO OPERATORS who operate from the same premises have been yen licences for 12 months but a third had its renewal application...
WITH THE introduction of a ni lorry park at the Cattle Mark Northampton County Cour wants to prohibit vehicles we ing with an...
NEXTDAY SERVICE — that is the name of a scheme launched I3 Tibbett and Britten, said to be the first of its kind in the UK, gun...
Improvement bi tween Llanddulas and Aber. Th contract has been awarded to consortium of Sir Alfred MacA pine (Northern) Ltd, an...
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Ltd, an indeIdently operated company hin the BRS Group. Based at - nlinson Road in Leyland, dges' area of operation exds from...
with Crosville Motor Services. He takes over from Bob Howells, who has moved to West Yorkshire Road Car. Mr Reeson started his...
has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Link (Rail) Ltd. Link is a consortium of eight companies owning 14 rail depots...
Adar Hamilton, traffic manager c Bathgate branch of Cartranspo Ltd. The award was given by S Robert Lawrence, chairman c the...
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1E RECESSION has bottomed out at last and there are signs of iprovement on the horizon, according to at least three major :hide...
FR of Rochdale has introduced heavy duty curtainsider to mplement its existing nylon der design. t uses nylon free-running...
BOSCH is claiming the "highest possible degree of security" for its new electronic anti-theft alarm system for commercial...
NOISE irritation to drivers vans fitted with roller shufte which is caused by slats radii when the vehicle is on t move, has...
A NEW range of grp rigid and trailer fridge bodies, available wii shuttered rear doors, have been introduced by Tidd Trailers...
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IEW polymer claimed to give as a lower rolling resistance I improvements in fuel econy is being used by Dunlop. new compound is...
MINI MIX of Chesterfield says its first 1.3cum capacity mini-transit concrete mixer has recently begun operation in...
TO ADD to its existing ranges oil fuses and associated accesso. ries for the Automotive Aftermarket, Littlefuse (GB] Limited of...
TECHNIQUES for measurin! concentrations of lead in air ar dealt with in a guidance not published by the Health an Safety...
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NATIONAL EXPRESS h launched a parcels servi named National Despati which is operated in conjunct with Marlaway Ltd, a Lontil...
A FURTHER group of ScotMA revised service networks is b ing introduced by a Scottish Bi Group subsidiary. The revisions to...
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LLOWING the announcement he liquidation of Red Car Seres (Norwich) Ltd (CM SepIber 12), the Eastern Traffic -nmissioners have...
IIING to the recent accidents the Continent by cut-price authorised coaches to lens, Junior Transport MinisKenneth Clarke has...
NEW BUS and coach sales fell from 432 vehicles in August 1980 to 256 last month, but importers' sales remained steady,...
AN OBJECTION from a neighbour to an application for a psi/ operator's licence by K Line Travel Ltd, of Huddersfield, led to...
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UROPEAN production and arketing plans for the first in a Dries of Rockwell-designed Dmmercial vehicle drive axles be built by...
10M December, Ford will be offering the Escort 1.3-litre and 1.6re versions with an optional five-speed transmission. "The new...
DAIMLER-BENZ are extendl their Transporter program with the addition of two ni models. The new vans and ph ups have a gvw of...
IN FUTURE the Mercedes-Be heavy twoand three-axle cc struction-site vehicles will he the large-volume high-perfon ance V10...
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isn't rth anything financially to 1, but the increased scope it es is reward enough for being of the Prime Minister's most hful...
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E HAWK is being somewhat iplistic in his assumption that compulsion to wear a seat t must be a "good thing" VI, September 5)....
YOUR Training Number (CM August 29) made little mention of management training. Although many companies recognise the need for...
HAVING READ your news item (CM September 5) headed Coachmen Join Up, I have taken several coach tours abroad for the reasons...
WITH reference to the article on the Bedford TL going to Nigeria (Technical News, August 29), I only hope that they have better...
LOOKING THROUGH our CM Road Test file the other day, I came across your road test of the ERF B-series with the Cummins...
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)W MANY people in impshire, Surrey and Kent will ver know that oil flows only -ee feet beneath them? ercising a "skill akin to...
RONYMS have become an ustry in Britain as well as oss the Atlantic. Every large ianisation has, I am winced, a department jaged...
A MOST apposite acronym, GRAB, has been coined by the Motor Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund. It stands for General and . Regional...
RESEARCHERS who monitored more than 400 vehicles overtaking on an A-road near Bedford are, says Care on the Road, particularly...
CONTROVERSY over the handheld radar gun to measure speed continues. This time a Humberside police office has caused trouble by...
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The tanker driver from Ascot, who's rarel0 seen without his Esso headgear, repeats h 4 1975 success and clinches the LDoY title...
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We must grasp the technological nettle, an distribution must play a major role if the Ul is to compete successfully in world...
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With fuel prices on an ever-upward spiral, electricity could be exactly the right medicine to counter the industry's ills....
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deration from the various )ps. He suggested that if curnt battery technology can be , plied to cater for these sudden irsts,...
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HE TRADITIONAL method of veighing a vehicle is to place it in a weighbridge, either with all :s wheels on the weighbridge...
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FHE MOTOR Vehicle Lighting 3egulations require that iirection indicators flash at a . ate of between 60 and 120 times 3 minute....
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by Douglas Ainley ONCE redundancies have been decided on, a vital decision facing employers is how to define the group of...