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At Belts And Dividual Freedom
E HAWK is being somewhat iplistic in his assumption that compulsion to wear a seat t must be a "good thing" VI, September 5). - o begin with, the idamental right to choose :ween......
Training For Management
YOUR Training Number (CM August 29) made little mention of management training. Although many companies recognise the need for effective training of their management and......
I'm For Coach Travel And Yet . .
HAVING READ your news item (CM September 5) headed Coachmen Join Up, I have taken several coach tours abroad for the reasons you set out in your article — there are no air......
Bad Luck With Bedford
WITH reference to the article on the Bedford TL going to Nigeria (Technical News, August 29), I only hope that they have better luck over there than I am experiencing with my......
Not The Meter, But The Bracket
LOOKING THROUGH our CM Road Test file the other day, I came across your road test of the ERF B-series with the Cummins lightweight 14-litre engine (July 18) Tim Blakemore......