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I N a way Mr. Albert Evans, M.P., may have done the long-distance goods transport industry a favour, although it is doubtful...
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Denni obert Pearce ‘‘ S ERMONS in stones, and good in everything "—the quotation leapt to my mind during my talk with Dennis...
N O cartoon this week; instead (on the right) , a picture. of a stand. It was, in fact, the stand which the Southern area of...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT IN his final speech before the Transport Bill was given a third reading in the Commons...
From Our Political Correspondent TRANSPORT operators and manufac turers interested in the Common Market need to hustle if...
A DDRESSING the 60th annual general I -1 meeting of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders last week. Mr. Donald...
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QCOTLAND is about to enter the 1, -/motorway • era. Between 1962-67, authorization is planned for seven of these highways as...
AOVEMENT of goods in Europe LL increased substantially in almost. every country, it is stated in the latest " Annual Bulletin...
A YEAR of rarely surpassed activity rA on many fronts is reflected in the Annual Report of the Road Haulage Association...
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Mr. L. Graham, general manager, Venture Transport, Ltd., has been elected chairman of the northern section of the Institute of...
I N its 13th annual report the Ulster Transport Authority states that its net revenue last year resulted in a deficiency of...
WE regret to record the death of Mr. E. Allen, Mr. J. Bannon and Mr. E. p. Bullock. Mr. Allen was chief security officer and...
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T ° protect their rural services, defend their traffic, and provide passengers living in remote districts with improved...
" WITHOUT relief from even the extra IT 3d. of fuel tax, our last chance of retaining our 1960 fares level has gone, and we...
Pottertes' 4, Profits and Prospects A NNOUNCING that the Ordinary f"t dividend for 1961 would be 7i per cent. free of tax as...
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T HE secretary of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, Mr. J. K. Bennett, has revealed that the Institute is about to...
Vehicle Sales are Leaping THE economic barometer of, com mercial vehicle sales in the U.S. is set fair. More vehicles are...
A PPLICATIONS are invited for two Rees Jeffreys studentships, tenable at the London School of Economics, to enable suitable...
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THE Managing Director of Cunard Eagle Airways, 'Mr. H. R. Bamberg, told I the Ministry of Aviation's Inspector last week that...
A N applicant who had not taken up a vehicle licence granted him in November, 1961, was refused an additional two vehicles by...
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A 5-SPEED constant-mesh gearbox is now available as anralternative to the standard 4-speed synchromesh unit on Bedford TK 3-,...
R UMOURS that U.S. Ford may be seeking a controlling interest in the German Henschel concern are circulating on the Continent....
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A T 7 p.m. on Tuesday, a new 230-ton 1— t trailer built by Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., for B.R.S. (Pickfords), Ltd., began its...
From our Industrial Correspondent B Y an overwhelming majority a delegate conference of busmen from L.T.E. garages decided...
A N application by a haulier's widow to re-establish her late husband's business was adjourned by the Metropolitan Deputy...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Government are sticking firmly to their view that, for the time being at least, the...
I T did not seem possible to look for any great improvement in the standard of enforcement of the law dealing with offences...
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T HE Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest Marples, last . week &fife .details of Britain's first -" Lorry Route:" This has been...
IF one-way-street working made buses miss the points at which -their - passengers wanted to be set down or picked . up, the...
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0 ON the fringe of the endless discussions on the subject of transport there is a set of extremists who hold the opinion that...
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T ORONTO, the only city in Canada with a subway system, depends on • its numerous arteries of high-speed and local buses which...
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From a Special Correspondent F OR the first time in the history of American transport inter-city buses are handling more...
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By NIGEL BREEZE-I rA A NEAR revolution appears to be taking place in brick transportation. Under the general terms and...
O RiGINALLY designed for handling grain in bulk, a demountable tipping unit has been produced by Peterborough Engineering Co.,...
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M ANY newcomers have applied in recent times for licences to undertake caravan delivery, only to find later on that the job...
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Albion Chieftain range extended by new Super Six models with Leyland 0.370 six-cylinder engines and air-hydraulic brakes: gross...
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Use of more powerful engine i Chieftain Super Six results in Ili formance whilst still retaini operational econo By John F....
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These Would Be The Results if The Exponents of Total Licensing Abolition Were To Have Their Way By Arthur R. Wilson U/HILE...
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This Month's Replies to Readers' Inquiries Include Comment on the Importance of the Sales Aspect When Considering Entry into...
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T HE decision by oil companies to issue oil in cans has set the problem of how to dispose of bulky tins, often in large...
A COMBINED welding and cutting set ri including the Firefly blowpipe is now being marketed by The British Oxygen Co., Ltd. The...
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nEVELOPMENTS in front-wheel drive units are disclosed in patent No. 885,580. The chief feature is the arrangement, in which the...
rONSTANT-HEIGHT pneumatic sus pension systems are often provided with a delay device for disregarding small transient shocks....