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ALTHO ment of oil engines was UGH the develop originally mainly undertaken for marine and industrial purposes, the advanced...
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T HE recent coach accident on the Great West Road, Hounslow, as a result of which a lorry driver's mate was killed, as Were...
Bus Exhibition at Charing Cross THE London bus is the main feature of the latest "Moving Millions" exhibition opened last...
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Complaints of time wasted by an epidemic of unpunctuality. That traffic jams, being now a commonplace of everyday life, can no...
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'UNUSUAL difficulty is beirCg 1 .-- 1 experienced by manufacturers in obtaining proprietary components for new models to be...
IT West Division) were fined £2 by Penrith magistrates last week, because one of the vehicles of the Carleton depot had been...
A S foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor on August 13, when an exclusive road-test report of the new British Mack lorry was...
ority's approval of certain fare increases on 203 services is being sought by the Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd. It is...
O F 22,235 cases of goods-vehicle drivers exceeding speed limits brought in 1953, 20,138 findings of guilt were returned. A...
H IGHER fares, designed to add an 'estimated £4.4m. to annual revenue, will be introduced by London Transport on September 26....
TENDERS will soon be called for by 1 the Commissioner for Government Transport, Sydney, New South Wales, for the supply of up...
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ONG-DISTANCE haulage from Bradford has been resumed by Mr. Ufred H. Crow and Mr. Arthur Crow, irectors of Crow Bros. (Transport...
INFORMATION about the financing of purchases of British Road Services units by Scottish finance corporations was given to a...
A N Austin-built gas turbine has been successfully tested in an Austin Sheerline chassis. It has been known for some years past...
have appointed a sub-committee to explore the possibilities of co-operation with Continental hauliers. Members of the...
'HE latest types of military vehicle equipped for servicing electrical and ;Ironic apparatus in the field are on play at the...
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\WHEN Bakewell magistrates last VV week decided a case concerning the carriage of a large load of sheep, they criticized the...
Improve ment Association and a life-time campaigner for better highways, Mr. William Rees Jeffreys died last week at the age of...
K ESWICK magistrates last week dismissed a summons against a greengrocer for using a car said to be adapted for carrying goods,...
SIR NORMAN GUTTERY, deputy secretary of the Ministry of Transport, is to retire next month. MR. SIDNEY E. CROOKE, M.1.Mech.E.,...
nPERATORS who are planning t run double-deck buses to. th Farnborough Air Show on Septembe 11 and 12 arc advised to obtain...
D EPLACEMENT of the city's exi ing bus terminus at Shore Tern by one in Albert Square would s2 £21,000—representing 234,000...
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WORKMEN'S fare concessions are VV entirely unjustified, and have seen for many years with the social and wonomic changes which...
R ESPONSIBIL1TY for free passes on buses should not be undertaken after September 30 by the Sheffield Transport Department, the...
ft AODERN plant and extensions to IVI the Sydney factory are part of a fA31m. expansion plan for the development of Austin...
Co., Ltd., propose to raise their authorized capital from £2m. to £5.3m. Of 512 drivers of Kent County Council who took part...
A N application was made by East Devon Gardens Association to the Western Licensing Authority last week to run a lorry under a...
hire purchase, Road Transport Finance, Ltd„ the finance company of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association, are to...
A UDIBLE warning devices should 4 - 1. be fitted to battery-electric vehicles to sound as they started to move, said a...
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F OR the first six months of the year both production and exports of commercial vehicles were well above • those for the...
rAFFICIAL confirmation has beet given of the report in The Commer cial Motor last week that Ribble Moto Services, Ltd., have...
WHEN Messrs. A. and C. McLennal VI Murthly, applied to the Scottis Deputy Licensing Authority last wet for permission to run a...
F OUR farmers who appeared Bristol on Monday in support an application by Mr. J. White, Fl Bourton, Somerset, convinced t...
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N operator who has a vehicle 1 - 1k specially adapted to meet his busiless requirements and loses it in an iccident is entitled...
S TRONG opposition from local authorities in the area is expected to be voiced against the fourth application for higher fares...
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority is to be asked by Mr. C. G. Littlewood, of Sheffield, to permit him an extension of his...
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E QUIPMENT which enables, carcases . 1 -4 of meat to be loaded or unloaded by one man, has been introduced by Market Transport,...
IF the quality of dery had risen with I the improvements in oil engines and their requirements in the way of fuel, there might...
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New Leeds Central Ambulance Station Accommodates 60 Vehicles T HE provision of maximum circulating space has been a prime...
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A Gruelling 645-mile Route Brings Out the Best in the A.E.C. Reliance Coach Chassis : Fast, Lively and Economical Performance...
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Twenty-three Vehicles Operated in Four Section's by East Riding Hauliers : Trans-shipment and Doorto-door Collection and...
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Latest Figures for Rigid Four-wheeled and Multiwheeled and Articulated Oil and Petrol-engined Goods Vehicles and Oil-engined...
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The Smaller, the Better T HE problem of the proper size has been one of the many preoccupations of transport experts. The...
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Maximum-load Four-, Sixand Eightwheelers, Characterized by Straightforward, Robust Design, Mark this Maker's Re-entry into the...
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London Company Take Over Carriage of New Furniture and Yorkshire Concern Buy Special Traffics Vehicles A NOTHER...
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RONT-WHEEL drive, independent rear suspension and a welded tubular issis-body structure, are features . of German-built...
T HE "high number of accidents" in which the transport department's vehicles were involved was criticized by Cllr. J. F....
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An Operator is Offered Traffic Over Various Distances But is advised to Take Only That for Loads up to 40 Miles Because Longer...
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P ATENT No. 711,289 shows a twostoried vehicle designed primarily for the transport of motorcars, although the patentee, J....