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Workers' Fares Not Justified, Mr. Thom Tells Portsmouth
WORKMEN'S fare concessions are VV entirely unjustified, and have seen for many years with the social and wonomic changes which have taken 'lace," said Mr. H. J. Thom, South......
Warning On Free Passes
R ESPONSIBIL1TY for free passes on buses should not be undertaken after September 30 by the Sheffield Transport Department, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority has stated.......
Austin Expand Overseas
ft AODERN plant and extensions to IVI the Sydney factory are part of a fA31m. expansion plan for the development of Austin Motors in Australia, it has been announced by the......
In A Line Or Two The British Tyre And Rubber
Co., Ltd., propose to raise their authorized capital from £2m. to £5.3m. Of 512 drivers of Kent County Council who took part in the national safe-driving competition last year,......
Devon Produce In London In 18 Hours?
A N application was made by East Devon Gardens Association to the Western Licensing Authority last week to run a lorry under a B licence so that produce could be taken to Covent......
Hire Purchase For Coaches L'ollowing The Removal Of...
hire purchase, Road Transport Finance, Ltd„ the finance company of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association, are to consider proposals from members contemplating buying new......
Starting Signal Urged
A UDIBLE warning devices should 4 - 1. be fitted to battery-electric vehicles to sound as they started to move, said a coroner's jury at Birmingham last week. A small child had......