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An Unhappy Year Draws to a Close: 1958 Calls for Resource by Operators F EW operators and manufacturers will mourn the passing...
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Latest in Foundry Practice IT is claimed for the new Ford Thames Foundry that in A design, mechanization and the standard of...
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That Stenor Spire fasteners are not intended for church towers. That a beam-setter might be useful to amateur portrait...
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T HE first application by a haulier to be disputed mainly on the question of rates was heard last week by Mr. W. P. James, West...
A NEWLY developed system by means of which the positions of r - k individual buses can be made known to route controllers as...
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THE grant of sliding-scale inclusive fares for excursions is extremely 1 dangerous to express-service operators. This was...
A PROTOTYPE 7-8-ton goods vehicle has been produced by Cornwall Motor Transport, Ltd., Helston, Cornwall, and is likely to be...
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MR. C. S. LOCK, the British Transport Commission's Press officer, is retiring after 36 years' service. MR. SIDNEY A. WALE has...
A N application by A. Sanderson (Great Broughton), Ltd., for the addition of a 7-ton vehicle to their A licence, to replace one...
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T HE disastrous" balance sheet of East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., was mentioned at Bridlington last week, when the company...
F OR the first time in their history, East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., are unable to pay a final dividend. Mr. J. S. Wills,...
T Osay that falling asleep at the wheel of a vehicle was any defence to a charge of dangerous driving would be disastrous, the...
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COMPARING tonnages being carried at present with those for the corresponding period of 1956, it was estimated that British...
S INCE establishing a depot in Birmingham in January, the turnover of the Atlas Express Co., Ltd., in the Birmingham area has...
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A SUBMISSION that no case, had been made out was accepted by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Maj. F. S. Eastwood, when Hull...
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W HEN' a 15-16-ton cruiser was carried from DagenVY ham to Olympia, London, last week, by Dallas (Kingston), Ltd., a specially...
A LTHOUGH fines totalling £170 were r -1 imposed last week on Hanson's Haulage (Leeds), Ltd., the Leeds Stipendiary Magistrate,...
(-LAMING that British Railways pro vided inadequate storage facilities for the distribution of feeding stuffs and fertilizers...
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NAORE than 1,000 commercial vehicles al which were stranded overni g ht at 13eattock Summit, Scotland, on Dezember 10, could...
T HE bi gg est sin g le commercial export consi g nment ever to be shipped by the Transport Ferry Service was handled last week...
A T least two rear-view mirrors must be fined as from January 1, 1958, to every g oods vehicle, dual-purpose vehicle and...
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A IR suspension is very much in the news and particular emphasis has in recent months been placed on the advances that are...
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" W ITH commercial vehicles the United Kingdom can under-price all its Continental competitors in the larger type of vehicle,"...
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A Step-by-step Introduction to the Stages Through Which an Application for a Carrier's Licence is Taken, With Advice on...
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A N interesting feature of trailers used by the National Coal Board for use as emergency pithead winding gear is the fitting of...
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By R. E. G. Brown, F.C.I.S., M.Inst.T, Secretary, London and Home Counties Division, Traders' Road Transport Association I T...
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VEN the obvious seems to take on a sinister aspect when it is pointed out by authority. Major F. S. Eastwood, chairman of the...
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p ANTOMIMES were providing a form of surrealist entertainment long before that particular epithet was invented. The people, the...
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nESIGNED specially for use with the Caltex 7 c.c. starting fluid capsules marketed by the Regent Oil Co., Ltd., an oil-engine...
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T HE delightful and witty article by Janus must have been joyous reading to all of your readers, and he deserves our grateful...
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Any Form of Publicity Must Not Only Be Accurately Aimed But Also Show Knowledge of the Peculiarities of Individual Trades :...
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in running vehiclet is the foundation of any " sales-promotion" activity by n haulier, and for this purpose 'The Commercial...
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rt A SWASH PLATE unit for inclusion in the transmission of a vehicle is shown in patent No. 785,846. (Socidte de Fabrication...