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T HE title of this article does not indicate that we are concerning ourselves with boots or shoes, neither does it mean that...
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Tech n Ica! getalls of exLAST month we were asked Army Vehicles Sent to by the director of.a techAustria nical bureau dealing...
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Of a continuation of luxury travel for lucky queuers. Of glazed roads plus fog described by a driver as "cold Of an aluminium...
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A FEW days before Mr. D. G. Stokes, tt. export manager of Leyland Motors. Ltd., closed his comprehensive tour of Australia, the...
Offers to Buy Crossley A N offer to purchase the shares of Crossley Motors, Ltd., has been made by the Associated Equipment...
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E IGHTEEN respondents are shown in a cause list issued a few days ago by the Appeal Tribunal. Appeals for hearing within the...
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MR. GEORGE BRACKEN has been appointed manager of the new branch factory at Oak Mills, Clayton, Bradford, of Jowett Cars, Ltd....
T HERE was some plain speaking on the nationalization of transport, and its effects on the export drive, at last week's...
1 -1 A WARNING on the need for safe guarding engine bearings against dirt if detergent oils be used, was given by Mr. P. T....
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TN the year to March 31, 1947, the net expenditure from the Road Fund, mainly on maintenance and minor improvements, amounted...
Commons, last week, 1 Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor of the Exchequer, declined to consider setting aside some part of the...
N EED for eliminating inefficiency and dishonesty among road passenger transport staff was urged by Mr. G. Patterson, D.S.M.,...
S PEAKING at the buffet dinner of the National Tyre Distributors' Association on February 18, at Grosvenor House, the...
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A SEPARATE eiperimental depart ment, where more development work can be done than has been possible in the past, has been set...
Guestrovv to increase fares on evening lours by as much as 150 per cent, above the pre-war level, were made at a sitting of the...
I S the Transport Act wishful thinking or will thNte be a genuine effort to achieve efficient co-ordination? The question was...
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visited the western hemisphere again this year has brought further investigations, voluntary and compulsory, of the proper use...
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W HATEVER may be the pros and cons of the craftsmanbuilt commercial-vehicle body, as opposed to its quantity-produced...
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By Dr. A. Greebe, General Secretary of the Dutch Traders' Transport Association (E.V.O.) D ISTANCES inside Holland are not...
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Spangled Manner IN these Isles of Austerity new buses, I when available, slip into circulation without a fanfare of trumpets...
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T HE wide range of mechanical properties that can be imparted to steels as a result of small variations in chemical composition...
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art experience which has "shaken me," and I feel that if I write to you, you may be able to give it publicity, which will be...
I HAVE come to the conclusion that the "little man" in the haulage industry is merely one of a number required to make up the...
WAS most interested in your article entitled, '' Tele graph Poles Set by Lorry," published in your issue dated December 12....
Town Board, Kinta. trik.4), '.Perak, Malaya, as lorry superintendent, having A fleet of vehicles 60 in number under my charge...
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By An Old Member of the R.H.A. S OME people seem to be wondering how it comes about that, after his brilliant and...
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tested the Crossley double-decker bus chassis, I --was able to obtain a pre-view of its performance by travelling in one of the...
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PA A DVANTAGES of the Nelson studwelding system were demonstrated recently by Cooke and Ferguson, Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester,...
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A MOST interesting lecture on the t re n d of development in America, illustrated by lantern slides, was given at Edinburgh on...
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M EMBERS of the National Association. of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers have been provided with a booklet which gives the...
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HALIFAX Corporation has made elaborate plans to • keep the roads open and, ai reported in ".The Commercial Motor" of December...
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A Bus Body With Tubular Cross-members A RESILIENT mounting intended for singleor double-deck buses is put forward in patent...