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A BID to force the hand of [ell UK to award pay in..ases of up to 30 per cent to tanker drivers, the drivers ye decided to...
AN LAW has resigned as secretary of the commercial branch the Transport and General Workers Union in the West dlands region....
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A scathing attack on the black legging said to have been imposed by Transport and General Workers Union members on the Didcot...
FIFTY-FOUR EEC permits have become available to UK hauliers. The Department of Transport announced this week that the extra...
A MAJOR row is brewing in the West Midlands over the proposed imposition of Government sanctions against hauliers who have...
MORE candidates sitting the Certificate of Professional Co petence exams for psv operations have passed their exams th those...
iits firms INDUSTRY is carrying an a ditional financial burden as result of high labour turnovi says the British Institute...
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In an analysis of the White Paper on public expenditure, BRF says it is not so much a case of what is in store for the future...
NOTICE of strike action has been served by more than 600 drivers in Coventry. They claim their employers want them to accept a...
be fore the county councils use the public transport powers given to them in the new Transport Bill, say the Tories. They...
Surprised there was no mention of nationalisation in the Transport Bill? David Penhaligon is not. Which is hardly to be...
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EPARTMENT of Transport Iicials do nothound hauliers rer the misuse of permits to Lease their sadistic impulses • thrust permits...
study... THE FIRST study to be made of East-West traffic in goods in terms of tonnage and the means of transport used is to be...
FRIGOSCANDIA, the Swedish-based cold storage chain incorporating one of the largest refrigerated lorry fleets in Europe, has...
INFORMED sources in Munich have confirmed that the German authorities, including the police, are tightening up over...
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MEMBERS of the International Hauliers Federation are to meet again on February 2 to consider action in support of their claim...
TRANSFLEET is to open z new rental outlet for corn mercial vehicles in Teesside which will operate from thi Scotts of...
TH E FOLLOWING appointments have been confirmed by the ,beatinn of Vehicle Recovery Operators: J. P. Wells. director . .4talt ....
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IIDI-COACHES are popular with operators and passengers alike and the latest Irish-built Asco Clubman 685" based on the Fiat...
Red release TRAVEL limits in the Soviet Union have been relaxed. Cities such as Magnitogorsk in the Southern Urals and cities...
ONDON Transport has placed orders for 100 new generation Duble decker buses. The buses, part of an order for 450 buses...
A NEW express carrriage service of contract buses to carry Glasgow shipyard workers has been granted to W. Alexander and Son...
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CONCERN for the safety of the public led the chairman of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners, A. B. Birnie, to grant renewal of...
WALLACE Arnold's secon Greyhound-style continent coach service recently wet into action for the first time. The Euroways...
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ROBERT WYNN and Sons, the Newport-based International heavy haulage contractors, are currently transporting around 3,000 tons...
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OAD transport operation is hedged about with many legal id regulatory requirements and the prudent operator will rive hard both...
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Vhoops, watch out for the ilometre kids They've started heady. Frigoscandia, one of country's big reefer translart companies,...
Remember my predictions last week about the new power unit, the new 1 6-tonner's improved production figures? Well, look out...
The Institute of the Motor Industry, a normally staid and sober learned body, have started off 1978 with a bang. They tell me...
Peter Birchall and his wife have crossed the Sahara in a Russian UAZ 452 four-wheel-drive van and were last reported in Nigeria...
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HE GIRLING master ylinder, illustrated in Figre 1, is an aluminium alloy 3sting, the cylinder portion I which is very...
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Steve Gray visits the BIA research centre in Berkshire. Dick Ross took the pictures IF you've ever wondered why your insurance...
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ALTHOUGH the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations 1978 do not come into effect until October 1, 1978,...
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MYTHS tend to get attached to most lines of business and insurance is no exception. One of the most common insurance myths...
PROBABLY "knock-forknock agreement" is the most misunderstood and most maligned term in vehicle insurance. This is a pity...
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MOST small haulage businesses — and some medium-sized and bigger ones, too — will be participating fully in the new State...
SELF-EMPLOYED people like owner-operators get used to fending for themselves. They have to do this if they want a pension over...
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FOR ALL hauliers, irrespective of fleet size, there is a need for a liability insurance policy, as loss of or damage to goods...
NOT all that long ago I read a misleading comment in a newspaper. It concerned an insurance company's decision in turning down...
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May I through the columns of your excellent journal make a comment regarding Mr Russell's letter (CM, January 13). What is the...
I am well aware of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 and all the other Acts concerning our industry, as well as the...
I was surprised to read your article headed "French Connection" (Bird's-eye view, December 30) about "dirty" French ferries and...
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* The article on engine cooling by "Preceptor" (CM, November 28) made very interesting reading. I was disappointed, however,...
all edicts emanating from Brussels, whether they be incorporated immediately or post-dated? Like many of your correspondents,...
thtiveta Having read all the letters on bad bus drivers. I have to agree with the lorry driver that bus drivers are a danger...
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The 2.3m (7ft 6in) maximum vehicle width limit is a case in point. The rest of Europe still sticks to the 2.5m maximum width...
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IF AN OPERATOR wishes to cut his insurance to third party fire and theft he can cut his premium by two thirds. It is...