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S HORTAGE of staff and high costs are placing road passenger transport operators in an extremely embarrassing position. Small...
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DASSENGER-VEHICLE operators in various parts of the country are in some cases being provided with new sources of revenue...
Consistent DevelopIT took the genius of the merit on Sound Lines late Lord Ashfield to con for 21 tears . . . ceive the name...
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Of complaints of apathy in the R.H.A. Of B.R.S. making an eternal triangle. Of a growing fear of giving away secrets_ Of too...
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B ECAUSE the division of responsibility for sanctioning increases in motorbus and • trolleybus fares • is divided between the...
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T HE British Transport Commission requires another two years for the preparation of draft charges schemes. The Minister of...
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A BETHESDA (Caernarvonshire) haulier who ran a vehicle beyond 25 miles from its base without a permit was fined £2, with E5...
MR. G. C. R. MaTmEsote, B.Sc., has been appointed senior lecturer at the School of Gas Turbine Technology. MR. F. ASHWORTH,...
A WARNING that every increase in fares involved a risk of diminishing traffics was given last week by Mr. R. P. Beddow,...
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I N the Chancery Division on Monday Mr. Justice Wynn-Parry sanctioned a scheme of arrangement between Leyland Motors, Ltd., and...
THE HE application of the Red House Garage Co., Ltd., Coventry, for permission to convert its fleet to tractors and trailers...
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A N offer to the public of £l m. of 44 per cent. debenture stock was due to be opened yesterday on behalf of F. Perkihs. Ltd....
CURTHER attacks on the alleged inefficiency of British Road Services were made last week. When Mr. W. H, Hardie applied to the...
O FFICIALLY opened last week by the Minister ot Supply, Mr. G. R. Strauss, the new assembly plant of-the Austin Motoi Co.,...
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T HE , Metropolitan Licensing Authority, last Friday, granted an application by Thomas Tilling (B.T.C.), Ltd., for an A licence...
L A"year, Albion Motors, Ltd., had a record turnover. Mr. Jackson C.B.E., chairman, made this announcement in his annual...
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says Alfred Woolf, B.A. Non-technical Study of Certain Joints in All-metal Bodies Shows How British Designers are Thinking N...
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TO overcome the heavy lifting strains frequently imposed on the operative in adjusting equipment for fitting and removing large...
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Productivity Team which Investigated Goods Transport in America Urges Greater Use of Fork Trucks and Drag-line Conveyors in...
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B) L. J. CO p OISED at an angle of over 20 degrees on the loose-surfaced escarpment at Long Valley, Farnborough, I doubted the...
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O NE must sympathize with the dilemma of the Minister of Transport, who plans to revise the Highway Code but hesitates to make...
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New London Transport Garage at Peckham Accommodates 150 Buses Under Cover, and Has Mainten ance Facilities for 300 WITH •...
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A N international coach rally in Britain (" The Commercial Motor," May 18) would do a tremendous amount of good for the...
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Difficulties of Spreading Establishment Costs Over Individual Vehicles in a General Haulage Business Undertaking Widely Varied...
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S ELF-ADJUST1NG tappets of the hydraulic type usually require a continuous supply of fluid, such as engine-oil, for their...