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-1--" ESPITE the great strides which have been made during recent years in the development of the commercial vehicle, and...
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T E body of a vehicle is the superstructure without which the invention, designing skill and engineering knowledge and...
A TEIEN the commercial motor vehicle was struggling to make its position in the world, those drivers who exercised care with...
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Of guarantee funds galore. That the Tillings are still ,proVing B.A.T.S. That tramways are going, but only a bit at a time....
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"The wheels of wealth win be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Great North of England Omnibus Co., Ltd., which has its headquarters at Gateshead, has now inaugurated a new service...
The Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Shrewsbury, is making additional experiments in the carriage of coal in bulk between the...
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Imperial Motorways, of 249-251, Crosby Road South, Seaforth; Liverpool, have inaugurated a thriceweekly service by saloon...
As from the beginning of last week, an express motorbus service has been running in Birmingham from boundary to boundary. The...
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Air Vice-Marshal Sir W. Sefton Brawler, K.C.B., A.F.C., is presidentelect of the Institute of Transport and will take office in...
During the past two years various owners of vehicles employed On services which make particularly heavy demands upon pneumatic...
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flis Majesty's Consul at Riga reports that the Latvian Road Administration is inviting tenders for a number of 'motor road...
The annual general meeting of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., was held in Bristol a few days ago, when Mr. W. G....
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\ We learn that it is proposed to hold the ninth annual commercial motor parade of the North-Western Division —Liverpool...
Yet another addition to the northcountry's list of long-distance bus services was made on 'Wednesday ,of last week when Messrs....
Getaveseene Corporation recommends the purchase of a motor lawn mower at a cost of about £90. CANTERBURY City Council has just...
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The Bridges Bill and a Proposed Special Grant• for Bridges. Farmers' Demand for Lower Duties. The Committee on the Road...
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The Adaptability of the Box-van to Many Trades and Many Purposes is Quite Remarkable. Features that Make it Suitable for...
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Brief Details of Some of the Most Important Devices Which are Available for Securing Proper Ventilation on Saloon Buses and...
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An Artist and Designer Allows His Fancy - . Coach Which Posses Run Riot and Suggests an Observation es Novel Features. R OAD...
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As the Steel Ship Has Ousted the Wood Type, So May the Metal Body Displace that Built of Wood. Some Typical Forms of...
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The Body as Important as the Chassis. Obtaining Official Approval. T HE choice of a body for a vehicle designed for passenger...
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A Survey of the Subject of Seat Largely Used Upholstering and of the Types of in Buses and Coaches. T ECE degree of comfort...
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A NOTHEIt important matter in come nection with the satisfactory operation of fleets of vehicles is that of their periodical...
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A Commentary on 'Certain Fire Extinguishers which are Made by Well-known Concerns for Use in Connection with Commercial...
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A • Record of Recent Progress in the Desigh of Passenger - vehicle Bodywork as Revealed by an Analysis of the Products of...
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The Value of Co-operation Between Body Builder and Maker of Equipment. Features that Improve the Appearance and Simplify...
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DELIVERING PETROL. The Economy of Underground Storage, by Which Wastage, Time and Labour are Saved. By D. 0. Bremner,...
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A provision of considerable importance to those concerned . with the bus and heavy-vehicle traffic in Ulster is contained in...
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The Motor Lorry Renders a Service of which the Horse Cart was Incapable to the Agriculturist and to the Live-stock Dealer. A...
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R EFERENCE has previously been mude in these columns to the important overseas trade transacted by American makers of...
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The Favoured Types of Bus and Coach Bodywork. Yet Another Magnificent Cab for Paris Streets. N O very striking developments...
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Carefully Designed Seating Accommodation is a Factor of Prime Importance, Particularly in the Case of Long-distance Services....
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The Modern Way of Washing and Cleansing. Water at any Required Pressure and Delivered at Many Points Accel erates the Work I N...
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Particulars of Devices for Handling and Repairing the Tyres of Commercial Vehicles. IDNEUMATIC tyres are now used to I. a...
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The Difficulties Standing in the Way ; How They are at Present Avoided and Finally will be Definitely Overcome. By W. Fletcher...
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T IIE name of Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., 6470, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.1, is specially wellknown in connection...
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Some Important Details in the DeqiOn of a Vehicle and the Reasons for their Determination. A S the body must fit the chassis,...
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The Usefulness of Air Under High Pressures is Rapidly being Recognized, and Air is being Applied to Many Duties in the Garage....
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BAGGAGE. Some Solutions of a Problem which Often Presents Difficulties to Both Coachbuilders and Coach• Users. O NE of the...
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Details Concerning Appliances which Enable the Garage Engineer Easily to Manoeuvre 'Broken-down Vehicles. A LTHOUGH it is to...
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T HE eighth annual dinner of the Institute of Transport, held at the Hotel Cecil, London, on Wednesday last, reflected...
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How Accurate Distance-checking Instruments Assist the Careful Owner in Running His Vehicles on an Economical System. F OR each...
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A sis generally known, engine performance is much affected by the degree of efficiency afforded by the piston rings which are...
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Interesting Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Easy Starting in Cold Weather. MHE tip for starting in cold...
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Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifeations. A Tr H E arrangement of two g,ears in series shuwn inthe specification No....
THE cage for roller beatings, which is the subject of the patent of S. K. F. Norma Aktiengesellschaft, of Caustatt, Germany...