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IN 1957 there was a rail strike. That in itself was not original in the strike-bound Britain of the fifties. Nor was it unusual...
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THREE-YEAR phasing-in period has been demanded by the Road laulage Association as its price for fitting spray suppression...
INDEPENDENT cab heaters were being considered by the Road Haulage Association's technical committee this week for the first...
EXEMPTION ROUTES to allow some lorries to escape the proposed Greater London lorry ban will be made public within the next...
THE ROAD Transport Industry Training Board's proposed levy for 1984/5 remains the same as last year at 0.8 of one per cent. It...
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LORRIES over 3.5 tonnes gvw will be confined to 400 specified overnight parking places in urban Greater Manchester from...
A NEW Granada motorway service area is to be built on the junction of the M62 and Al at Ferrybridge in West Yorkshire. The...
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EYLAND has set aside £40m to over the likely cost of closing :s Bathgate plant in West othian. The figure was revealed the...
ME MAN group is expected to break even again by mid 1985 following its serious recent losses, DM300m (£77.5m) in 1982/83 and...
YORK TRAILERS Holdings returned to a trading profit last year, turning a £30,848 loss into a £506,825 profit. Turnover rose...
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TWO VANS, two Land Rovers, an agricultural tractor and a lorry weighbridge are among the plant and equipment from the closed...
regulations. to a vast motorway programme, "sensitive" traffic managemeni schemes to improve flows, Transport Minister Lynda...
PICKFORDS' BUSINESS and Industrial Division, part of the National Freight Consortium, is continuing its Elm acquisition...
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DAVID CORNELIUS has been made deputy director of the Transport and Road Research Laboratory after 18 months as assistant...
NOEL INYNN has been elected an honorary member of the Road Haulage Association and received a certificate and badge at an...
FREIGHT FORWARDER Thomas Meadows has set up a new team of market development managers. Derek Cryer is responsible for the USA...
BLACKWOOD HODGE has reorganised its management structure following the appointment of Arthur Richards as chairman and chief...
LOUIS DIPASQUA is the new chairman and managing director of Goodyear GB. He takes over from Eugene Culler, who leaves to become...
STUART MACKAY is the new traffic manager with Highland Omnibuses, the Scottish Bus Group's Inverness-based subsidiary. He was...
CHRISTIAN SALVESEN (Food Services) has taken on Geoffrey Carson as data processing manager based at head office in Edinburgh....
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is the Pettit and Lord Chesn Dm ii aval: venue for CM's 21st Fleet Management Conference. = able), all former FMC c - h...
MOST employers in road tran port expect this year's settl ments to be in line with ti national average of haula( settlements...
REVISED planning procedures being introduced in Scotland from May 14 extend the "bad neighbour" provisions to developments...
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THE EARLIEST possible completion of the important M42/A42 link between Birmingham and Nottingham has been called for by the...
THE GOVERNMENT has abandoned plans to finance the so-called Black Country route privately. Transport Minister Lynda Chalker...
A MEETING of Common Market transport ministers in May will hear proposals from the EEC Commission aimed at limiting the...
LAST YEAR was an excellent year for road building, Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley has said. A combination of competitive...
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AN ON-BOARD microprocessor-based vehicle data collection system which can produce the same information as a tachograph plus...
LEYLAND PARTS has extended its VOR (Vehicle Off Road) parts requests deadline from tlam to 4pm. VOR orders placed by...
NORFOLK'S lightweight commercial vehicle bodybuilder and airflow management company, Windfoil, of East Dereham, has unveiled...
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MAN has recently commissioned an innovative engine and driveline test bed at its Munich plant. The test equipment was supplied...
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MIDLAND RED NORTH, Shropshire County Council and Wrekin District Council are appealing against the West Midlands Traffic...
PLANS by the Department c Transport to reduce the age u to which three children ar allowed to occupy two seats a a school bus...
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MORE STUDIES are needed into the future of cross-subsidy, according to a report produced for the National Bus Company. The...
LONDON's Gloucester Road coach station may have to close as a result of an enforcement notice served on its owners by...
THE SCOTTISH Bus Group's profit target has been fixed at 4.5 per cent again for next year, several weeks after local...
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THE LETTER from Mr Rennard of Webasto on night heaters for lorries (CM.. March 24) deserves our reaction. Putting aside Mr...
IF PRESS REPORTS are accurate, Mr Nicholas Ridley's understanding of public transport gives great cause for alarm. He quotes...
TACHOCHECK was deeply concerned to notice an advertisement on page 54 of Commercial Motor, April 21, 1984 from a company is...
YOUR ARTICLE "ECC before DLA" on page 6, CM, April 14, contains one important error. In our evidence to the DLA we stated our...
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I AM RATHER surprised that the Department of Transport has — in view of the problems experienced by coach operators during the...
HALF THE children in the drought-shrivelled Sahel region of Upper Volta die of starvation or disease before they are five....
THE NATIONAL Freight Consortium is taking a hammering. Its offshoot Car Auctions, a subsidiary of Cartransport, was launched...
IF THE best things in life are free, Sandwell Historic Vehicle Parade and Transport Show to be held at Dartmouth Park, West...
ANYONE who has had a recent brush with the law may find it hard to believe that the large copper is extinct in Britain. The...
ALTHOUGH Mazda vehicles have built since 1931, beginning with three-wheeled trucks, I have.never been able to reconcile the...
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on the diesel doubters The benefits of this direct injection diesel are as yet unavailable to British operators. Brian...
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For decades, the indirect injection diesel engine has been the only serious alternative to the petrol engine for light to...
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From June 1 the responsibilities of licensing authorities will be even greater. They will have to handle environmental...
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Small hauliers can do better if they pool their resources instead of standing alone, argues Stockport-based Bulk Tippers. Jack...
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The Bolton firm's popularity resides mainly at the heavy end of the market, particularly with trailers where operators are...