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Parcels And Psv
I AM RATHER surprised that the Department of Transport has — in view of the problems experienced by coach operators during the last two years in relation to coach crashes and......
Bedford To Save Dying Children
HALF THE children in the drought-shrivelled Sahel region of Upper Volta die of starvation or disease before they are five. Princess Anne, president of the Save the Children......
Going, Going, Gone In The Nfc
THE NATIONAL Freight Consortium is taking a hammering. Its offshoot Car Auctions, a subsidiary of Cartransport, was launched little more than six months ago but is already......
Nostalgia Costs Nothing
IF THE best things in life are free, Sandwell Historic Vehicle Parade and Transport Show to be held at Dartmouth Park, West Bromwich, on May 13, ranks high among life's......
Buy Your Way To A Butterfly's Heart
ANYONE who has had a recent brush with the law may find it hard to believe that the large copper is extinct in Britain. The reference is, however, to a butterfly, and not a......
Spotlight Now On Japanese Vehicles
ALTHOUGH Mazda vehicles have built since 1931, beginning with three-wheeled trucks, I have.never been able to reconcile the name with cars and lorries. I have associated it......