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T HE continual strife between . rail and roadtransport interests has caused many people to ask whether it is not possible for...
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THERE ca:, be little doubt as to the advantages of subways to pedestrians who may be exposed to considerable danger at heavily...
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That foreign visitors with cars find the near-side driving position an advantage in fog. That despite this the advantages are...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
IVE are now able to announce details VV of the agreement which, as reported in last week's issue, has been reached between the...
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DUCE TRANSPORT COSTS Designing Sling Vans, Box Conthiners and Trays to Afford Strength and Light ness. How Current Types...
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Are They Pulling Their Weight, or Have They Been Ignored by the Associations and Employers as a Fruitful Source of Publicity?...
Three Inexpensive Machines of Medium Capacities, Low Unladen Weights, Striking Appearance and Lavish Equipment T HREE new...
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A PLAN. FOR INTERNAL AIR SERVICES. AVE have frequently referred to the 'VV need for an officially recognized plan for the...
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THE DAIMLER AL-ENGINED BUS CHASSIS W E are able to give, in this road-test report of a Daimler double-deck bus c ha ssis...
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ptirnistic Outlook. Coal emand Better. Cotton a d Wool Business Imp oved. Footwear Makers Busy T HE position of trade in...
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Attempts to Design Oil Engines of No Greater Overall Dimensions than Petrol Units of Similar Capacity, are Unlikely to...
The Tecalemit Pneugrippa Machine is Now Available in Dual-purpose Form for Standardsize and Giant Tyres C ONSIDERABLE success...
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I N our " Opinions and Queries" in this issue there will be found a reply to a reader who asked what extra tax, if any, he...
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F ROM the point of view of maintenance of a compression-ignition engine, it is principally necessary to realize that the fuel...
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A Three-wheeled Model with a Capacity of 100 cubic ft., Costing £125 as a Complete Vehicle. Increased Wheelbase Length and...
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The Rapid Total Weight Calculator is the name of a small substantially bound book, published by Messrs. Gall and Inglis, 12,...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developments affecting pub lic-service v chicle owners SPECIAL...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent R.H.A. AND LOSS OF CLAIMED TONNAGE. T HE Minister was asked last...
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Efforts to Control the Grain Size of Carbon Steels, to Improve Annealing, Resistance and Ductility, as well as in Other...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Continuing a Short Series of Articles Explaining How Cost Accounts Should Be Kept I T is important,...
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A Resume' of Recently . Published Patent Specifications, Copies of which, Price • ,ls„ can be Obtained from the Patent Office...