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r E road haulage industry still has more than a reasonable proportion of uninformed optimists. Even after the Transport Act had...
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T HE recent decision of the Appeal Tribunal in the case of Western Haulage Contractors (Plymouth), Ltd., emphasizes the...
Bridge Sights for A R MY training includes a Double-deck . hints on how to judge Bus distances. "If a man standing . appears...
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That new brooms, unless guided by old hands, may find themselves swept clean. Of less cruelty to tractors now that farmers...
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B.T.C.'s Proposals for Workmen's Fares • in London Rejected F OLLOWING the partial rejection by the Transport Tribunal of the...
nETAILS of the proposed new fares structure of the Scottish Motor Traction group of companies were given in Edinburgh recently...
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fiDRELIMINARY details of a new I Vickers Armstrongs heavy duty tractor were given at _a Press conference in London last week....
THE validity . of certain war-time emergency permits relating to public service vehicles, road passenger services, and drivers...
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G ROSS receipts of Southdown Motor Services. Ltd.. amounting to £2,980,000 in the past year, showed a decrease for the first...
MR. W. R. BLACK, managing director of Park RoyaL Vehicles, Ltd., has been appointed a J.P. MR. .SELDEN r. WILLIAMS,...
R ATE-CUTTING by some contractcarriage operators in the West Riding is alleged. The causes are stated to be the entry of many...
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IN connection with the South London Itram-conversion programme, London Transport has introduced a new organization to cover all...
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T HE fracture of the off-side .front spring near the leading eye has been held to be the cause of an accident involving a...
bus manufacturer, A.E.C., Ltd., Mr. Hinnigan said that he did not know that in 1949 only 53 springs were returned by the...
to the Scottish Licensing Authority for a B licence to operate two vehicles in the Dundee, Forfar and Kirriemuir area's. A...
An extra 2d, per hiring is to be charged on Brighton taxis to cover The increased fuel price. A congress of the Institute of...
B ECAUSE of a shortage of errand boys, shopkeepers in the West Kirby district find parcels delivery difficult. They supported a...
At BROCHURE recently issued by the Aluminium Development Association, 33, Grosvenor Street, London, W.t: describes 32 extruded...
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effect that our road system—or, perhaps, lack of t—could have on design, said Mr. R. Gresham Cooke, director of the Society of...
a tractor with Scammell coupling. gear. Powered by either, a Vulcan fourcylindered petrol engine or a Perkins P6 oil engine,...
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0 NE of the most striking features of Belgian road passenger transport is that 80 per cent, of the concessions for regular bus...
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El PASSENGER TRANSPORT By C. S. DU N BAR, minst.T. B Y far the largest owner of road transport vehicles in Scotland is now...
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. at .pressures up to 200 lb. per sq. in., has been introduced by Uni-Gun Lubricating Equipment, Ltd., Coombe Bridge • Works,...
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By L. J. COTTON, m.i.R.T.E. An Inexpensive Modification Kit for Converting a Standard Chassis to a Fourwheel-drive...
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A BRITISH commercial-vehicle manufacturer is taking up the construction of the Beier infinitely variable gear and a chassis...
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of Trumpets Political Commentary By JAN US U NOBTRUSIVELY, the National Council of the Road Haulage Association has, it...
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By K. Firth Butterfield, T HE proceedings before the Transport Arbitration Tribunal, in which . Liss Transport, Ltd., appealed...
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The Only Outlet Available to Enterprising Operators Carries Responsibilities Far More Onerous Than Jobbing Haulage. These May...